Elizabethtown Church ‘walks to Nigeria’ in virtual challenge

Elizabethtown (Pa.) Church of the Brethren is holding a “Walk to Nigeria Team Challenge” in which church members and friends of the congregation are invited to log walking miles in their own neighborhoods toward enough miles to walk to Nigeria. “That’s 5,710 miles!” said an announcement.

Brethren Volunteer Service makes statement supporting Black Lives Matter

Brethren Volunteer Service (BVS) has posted the following statement on its website, supporting the Black Lives Matter movement, confessing and repenting of complicity in white oppression and systemic racism, and committing to “purposefully create space to amplify black and brown voices during our orientations and in our office as a staff.”

Withdrawal from Open Skies Treaty signals pattern in international relations and arms control

In a 1980 Annual Conference statement titled “The Time Is so Urgent: Threats to Peace,” Brethren recognized a potential nuclear arms race as one of the most pressing political problems for peacebuilders to address. Amazingly, 40 years later we find ourselves on similarly shaky ground where the barrier between stability and hostility appears increasingly thin. By recently committing to withdraw from the Open Skies Treaty, the current US administration has compromised the systems set in place to avoid an arms race or military engagement–and the church should take notice.

National commission focuses on strengthening the country’s ability to go to war

Maria Santelli, executive director of the Center on Conscience and War (CCW), provided the following update about the Commission on Military, National, and Public Service. It follows on a statement to the commission by a group of 13 Anabaptist church bodies represented at an Anabaptist Church Consultation on June 4, 2019 (see the Newsline report

Brethren Benefit Trust updates its Department of Defense screening lists for 2020

By Jean Bednar, director of communications for Brethren Benefit Trust Brethren Benefit Trust (BBT) has released the 2020 Department of Defense lists that are used for screening investments under its management. All investments managed for members, clients, and donors follow Brethren Values Investing guidelines that are consistent with Church of the Brethren Annual Conference statements.

Garkida attacked by Boko Haram, town was birthplace of EYN in Nigeria

The town of Garkida in northeast Nigeria was attacked by Boko Haram the night of Feb. 21-22. Garkida is considered the birthplace of Ekklesiyar Yan’uwa a Nigeria (EYN–the Church of the Brethren in Nigeria) as the place where the Church of the Brethren was started in Nigeria in 1923. Many buildings were burned in the

Garkida attacked by Boko Haram

The town of Garkida in northeastern Nigeria was attacked by Boko Haram the night of Feb. 21-22. A number of buildings were burned, including the church building for Ekklesiyar Yan’uwa a Nigeria (EYN—the Church of the Brethren in Nigeria). The EYN women’s fellowship of Garkida district was having its annual conference at the church that

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