
Newsline for January 17, 2007

“Honor the Lord with your substance, and with the first fruits of all your produce….” — Proverbs 3:9 NEWS 1) Brethren invest half-million dollars for turning hunger around. 2) Haiti mission continues to grow. 3) Credit union offers new savings options for kids, youth, and adults. 4) Fund gives $120,000 for Middle East, Katrina, Sudan,

Peace Church Insurance Group Declares Dividend, Decreases Rates

(Jan. 10, 2007) — Peace Church Risk Retention Group, at its annual shareholders meeting in Baltimore Md., declared a $500,000 dividend distribution to its shareholders, payable by March 15. The board also announced that it would be reducing its renewal rates for 2007 by 11 percent. “This is a significant day for us,” said Ed

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