Ventures Course at McPherson College Will Explore Congregational Ethics

The next Ventures course at McPherson (Kan.) College titled “Congregational Ethics: Patterns of Healthy Communities” will be led by Joshua Brockway, director of Spiritual Life and Discipleship for the Church of the Brethren and a member of the staff of Congregational Life Ministries. Brockway has provided leadership for a new emphasis on congregational ethics in the Church of the Brethren. This online webinar is offered on Nov. 21 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon (central time).

Creators of New Church of the Brethren Ministers’ Manual Seek Submissions

Creation of a new ministers’ manual for the Church of the Brethren is underway, and the planning committee is seeking submissions for the manual. “For All Who Minister,” the current manual, was published in 1993, and much has happened to the ways in which we understand and participate in ministry since that time.

Webinar ‘Healthy Boundaries 201′ Meets Requirements for Ordination Review

A webinar from the Brethren Academy for Ministerial Leadership titled “Health Boundaries 201 and Ethics in Ministry Relations Training” will offer ordained ministers another opportunity to complete requirements for ministerial ethics training for the 2015 ordination review. The webcast is scheduled for Aug. 15, from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. (Eastern time), with a break for lunch.

Registration Closes Soon for Ministers’ Association Pre-Conference Event

Registration closes on Monday, June 15, for the Minister’s Association pre-Annual Conference event in Tampa, Fla., on July 10-11. This continuing education event for licensed and ordained ministers is titled “Delving Deeply into Compassion,” and will be led by Joyce Rupp, an author and speaker on the topic of compassion.

Office of Ministry Provides Forms Meeting New IRS Standards

The roller coaster ride of receiving and responding to updates regarding implications of the Affordable Care Act for support of our pastors’ medical insurance premiums continues. Thank you for your continuing care and concern as we seek to understand the situation and care for our pastors’ well-being.

New Puerto Rico District Names Jose Calleja Otero as District Executive

The Puerto Rico District has announced that Jose Calleja Otero has accepted the call to serve as district executive minister. Otero already has begun his work. In July, the Puerto Rico District officially will be welcomed as the Church of the Brethren’s 24th district at Annual Conference in Tampa, Fla.

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