
Registration Closes Soon for Ministers’ Association Pre-Conference Event

Registration closes on Monday, June 15, for the Minister’s Association pre-Annual Conference event in Tampa, Fla., on July 10-11. This continuing education event for licensed and ordained ministers is titled “Delving Deeply into Compassion,” and will be led by Joyce Rupp, an author and speaker on the topic of compassion.

Rupp’s presentations include foundational insights, as well as current trends related to being a compassionate presence. She will explore the depths of the vital quality of compassion from numerous dimensions, including scripture, science, medicine, spirituality, and psychology. The focus of the ministers’ gathering will be personal transformation and the renewal of vision and enthusiasm for ministry. Time will be given for integration of the topic through dialogue and quiet reflection.

Sessions will be held from 6-9 p.m. on Friday evening, July 10; 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. on Saturday, July 11, with a lunch break. Childcare is provided at a minimal cost. Continuing education units are available.

Register at www.brethren.org/sustaining or by mail using the 2015 Event Registration Form found on that webpage. For questions contact Erin Matteson, Ministers’ Association chair, at erin@modcob.org or 209-484-5937. View Rupp’s video invitation to the Minister’s Association meeting at www.brethren.org/sustaining .

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