“Now the Lord said to Abram, `Go from your country….’” — Genesis 12:1a NEWS 1) Bethany Seminary holds 101st commencement. 2) Puerto Rican theology students celebrate graduation. 3) Walk Across America is `heading for home’…for now. 4) Brethren bits: Correction, remembrance, job openings, and more. PERSONNEL 5) Jim Yaussy Albright resigns from Illinois and Wisconsin
Tag: Instituto Teologico de Puerto Rico Iglesia de los Hermanos
Puerto Rican Theology Students Celebrate Graduation
The Instituto Teologico de Puerto Rico Iglesia de los Hermanos (Theological Institute of Puerto Rico, Church of the Brethren) held its graduation service on Saturday, April 9, at the Yahuecas, Cristo Nuestra Paz Fellowship Church of the Brethren. Graduates include Ildefonso Baerga Torres, Carmen Cruz Rodriguez, Carmen L. Fernandini Ruiz, Miguelina Medina Nieves, Jose E.