Journal from Jamaica: Reflections from the Peace Convocation

Church of the Brethren director of news services, Cheryl Brumbaugh-Cayford, is reporting from the International Ecumenical Peace Convocation in Jamaica through May 25, the culminating event of the Decade to Overcome Violence. She hopes to post a journal entry each day as a personal reflection on the event. Here is the first journal, for Tuesday,

Consulta Intercultural celebra la unidad a través de la Cruz de la Paz.

“Yo espero que todos estemos anticipando estar en un espacio sagrado… y que todos nos amemos,” dijo Rubén Deoleo, director de Ministerios Interculturales, cuando daba la bienvenida a los participantes de la 13va Consulta y Celebración Intercultural. “Yo espero que todos estemos anticipando estar en un espacio sagrado… y que todos nos amemos,” dijo Rubén

Intercultural Consultation Celebrates Unity Through the Cross of Peace

On Earth Peace staff and friends led the main sessions at this year’s Intercultural Consultation and Celebration on the theme, “United by the Cross of Peace.” Above, Matt Guynn, OEP program director and coordinator of peace witness, led in teaching concepts of nonviolence and peacemaking. Below, Manchester College student and OEP intern Kay Guyer draws the

Brethren Disaster Ministries Issues Update on Tornado, Flood Response

Alabama tornado destruction. Children’s Disaster Services has been helping care for children and families affected in Tuscaloosa, Ala. Photo by Tim Burkitt, FEMA Brethren Disaster Ministries (BDM) has issued a situation report on the severe storms in the South, and an update on its new rebuilding work following last year’s flooding in Tennessee. Children’s Disaster

CDS Cares for Children in Alabama, Receives Requests from Mississippi and Tennessee

Photos from the current CDS response are not yet available, but the above pictures from a Midwest flood response in 2008 illustrates the work of Children’s Disaster Services (CDS) volunteers. CDS sets up and staff special childcare sites following disasters like the current spate of tornadoes and floods, in order to both provide nurturing care for children and families,

Church Program in DR Experiences Financial, Administrative Problems

The international group of Brethren who were at the historic peace church conference in Latin America, which took place in the Dominican Republic, spent time during a small group session to be in prayer for the Brethren in the DR. Represented in the circle were Brethren from Haiti, the DR, Brazil, the US and Puerto Rico.

Dominican Church Holds 20th Annual Assembly

The 20th annual assamblea of Iglesia de los Hermanos (Church of the Brethren in the Dominican Republic) opened at Camp Bethel near San Juan, D.R., on Feb. 17 and concluded Feb. 20. Pastor Onelis Rivas presided as moderator. About 150 persons including 70 delegates from 28 congregations met together in business sessions and in Bible

Newsline for May 5, 2011

“Give us today our daily bread” Matthew 6:11 (NIV) Coming soon: a Newsline Special Report from the Church of the Brethren’s 13th Intercultural Consultation. Also to come in Newsline on May 16:  A full report on the merger of the Church of the Brethren Credit Union with the Corporate America Family Credit Union, approved by

A Prayer Response to the Killing of Osama bin Laden

The following prayer is offered by Joshua Brockway, Church of the Brethren director of Spiritual Life and Discipleship: God of the empty tomb, whose life and resurrection we celebrate in this season of Easter, we are confronted by so much death–from the demise of thousands of nameless individuals to celebrations over the killing of notorious criminals–while

Newsline Special for April 29, 2011

Tornado damage in Pulaski County, Va. Shenandoah and Virlina Districts are collaborating with Brethren Disaster Ministries to do repairs to damaged homes. Volunteers will begin working in the county next week. Photos by Mike Cocker/VDEM. The severe tornado outbreak stretching across the South is being called the worst in four decades. There were 210 deaths in Alabama

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