
Strength for the Journey 2025: Three themes emerge

By Janet Ober Lambert

The 2025 Strength for the Journey cohorts focus on three themes: 1) Preaching, 2) Team Ministry, and 3) Pastoral Visitation and Chaplaincy. Strength for the Journey (SFTJ) provides resources for several ministry cohorts each year. Cohorts of five to eight ministers meet via Zoom for ten to twelve 90-minute sessions during the year. Each cohort is assisted by a skilled convener, a designated Zoom account, and a budget for resources.

Additional funds are available to help cohorts gather in person at the end of their year if they choose to do so. Every cohort incorporates time for worship and prayer, as well as continuing education. Continuing Education Units (CEUs) are awarded for the latter.

The 2025 themes include:

Spiritual Refreshment and Preaching Renewal

Are you interested in reflecting on your ministry of preaching as a spiritual practice? Would you treasure time with other pastor-preachers who long to share honestly with one another in a confidential environment, hear honest feedback, and learn how to connect with sermon listeners more authentically?

We welcome a group of four or more pastors (part-time or full-time, seasoned or new) who are interested in exploring preaching that enlivens the preacher and engages sermon listeners in creative and meaningful encounters with living words for our time. With the accompaniment of Dawn Ottoni-Wilhelm, Brightbill Professor of Preaching and Worship, Bethany Theological Seminary, and Katie Shaw Thompson, pastor of Highland Ave. Church of the Brethren, Elgin, Ill., we will share gatherings that are as refreshing for your spirit as they are enlivening for your ministry of preaching.

Models of Team Ministry

More and more congregations are calling out leadership from within, often calling several leaders to serve as a ministry team. No church does it the same as another. Yet, there are commonalities, experiences to share, and opportunities for learning and inspiration. Ideally, each ministry team that applies for this cohort will be represented by at least two team members. The members will determine resource leaders for this cohort in consultation with their converter.

Pastoral Visitors and Chaplains

Pastoral visitation and chaplaincy are sacred callings. Ministers who serve in these capacities are privileged to walk with others through some of life’s most tender moments. At the same time, these ministries can sometimes feel isolating or like one is serving in obscurity. This cohort is intended to bring chaplains and pastors of visitation together for mutual support, sharing of wisdom, and continued growth. The members will determine resource leaders for this cohort in consultation with their converter.

All these cohorts are open until they are full. Applications and a complete program description can be found at https://bethanyseminary.edu/brethren-academy/strength-for-the-journey.

There is no financial responsibility for participation. Funding for registration and resources is provided through the David J. and Mary Elizabeth Wieand Trust.

Strength for the Journey is a program of the Brethren Academy for Ministerial Leadership, a partnership of Bethany Theological Seminary and the Church of the Brethren’s Ministry Office. Questions may be emailed to academy@bethanyseminary.edu.

— Janet Ober Lambert is director of the Brethren Academy for Ministerial Leadership.


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