By Janet Ober Lambert
Throughout 2024, four clergy cohorts have met for mutual encouragement, spiritual support, and conversation around topics of shared interest. Meeting via Zoom, these cohorts worship together, share resources, discuss familiar challenges, and help each other find strength for the journey of ministry. The 2024 cohorts include a group of pastors new to the ministry, district executives, clergy focused on spiritual and contemplative practices, and a group exploring the church’s response and adaptation to societal changes.
Currently, new clergy cohorts are forming for 2025. Each will have its own focus but the same format. Cohorts gather monthly for one year, starting in January. Each cohort is supported by funds for resources and a skilled convener. Conveners help by holding sacred space for the cohorts and by facilitating the acquisition of resources.
Two cohorts for 2025 have already been identified. One will be a cohort of Pastors of Visitation and Chaplains, those who walk alongside people who are ill and their families. The second will be a cohort of cohorts, those who are engaged in Team Ministry within their congregations. Both welcome additional participants.
To learn more about Strength for the Journey, apply for either of these cohorts, or find or create a different cohort, go to At this webpage are the full program description and application. Clergy may apply to Strength for the Journey as individuals or as a group. Most cohorts consist of five to eight ministers. The application period for 2025 ends Sept. 23.
Participants may earn up to 1.2 continuing education units for full participation in this program. There is no financial responsibility for participation. Funding for registration and resources is provided through the David J. and Mary Elizabeth Wieand Trust.
Strength for the Journey is a program of the Brethren Academy for Ministerial Leadership, a partnership of Bethany Theological Seminary and the Church of the Brethren’s Ministry Office. Questions may be emailed to
— Janet Ober Lambert is director of the Brethren Academy for Ministerial Leadership.
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