By Erika Clary
The Calling Denominational Leadership Study Committee has developed a survey and is asking Church of the Brethren members to complete it. The survey asks about the experience of the nomination process and suggestions to improve the process.
Here are links to the survey: or
The Calling Denominational Leadership Study Committee, which was formed at the Church of the Brethren Annual Conference last year, has been tasked with several questions regarding the denominational leadership process. We have been specifically looking at things like lack of representation on the ballot from marginalized groups (women, people of color, young people, LGBTQ+ people, racial/ethnic minorities, etc.). We have also been exploring the reasons why people do not accept nominations, and what is working and not working in our current process.
As part of our information gathering, we are asking all Annual Conference delegates to complete our survey regarding their own experiences with the leadership process. The survey is not just open to delegates, though, as we want to receive as much of a response as possible. We are hoping the survey will provide some feedback about what is working and not working and hope to use that information as part of our final suggestions to be presented next year.
— Erika Clary is a member of the Calling Denominational Leadership Study Committee of Annual Conference along with Eric Bishop and Emmett Witkovsky-Eldred.
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