By Christy Waltersdorff
The NOAC 2021 Planning Team will be “Overflowing with Hope” that all Internet connections are working next week as the first-ever online NOAC hits the airwaves.
Our planning took a very different turn almost a year ago when we realized that an in-person conference at beautiful Lake Junaluska, N.C., was not possible due to the pandemic. We rallied our preachers, speakers, workshop presenters, worship team, and technology experts and began making plans for a virtual experience.
Many people have spent numerous hours recording, editing, and planning for the conference, which begins Monday evening.
It is not too late to register at

We are including two favorite fundraisers:
The book drive for the Lake Junaluska Elementary School library is happening through Brethren Press. Go to and donate funds to purchase books for the children of the Lake Junaluska community.
The popular early morning walk around the lake fundraiser will support the Brethren Disaster Ministries Global COVID-19 Fund. Invite folks to sponsor you as you walk near your home at any time of the day or night. Donations may be made at
NOAC online will be meaningful, informative, and entertaining. We hope you will join us for this historic event!
— Christy Waltersdorff is coordinator of the Church of the Brethren’s National Older Adult Conference.
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