Sandy Shipments from New Windsor Center Now Exceed $900,000 in Value

Shipments of relief materials have been heading out from warehouses at the Brethren Service Center ever since superstorm Sandy was churning through the Caribbean on its way to the northeast US. The Church of the Brethren Material Resources staff has done the processing, warehousing, and shipping of relief materials on behalf of Church World Service. Material Resources staff were filmed by WBAL TV Baltimore as they continued to fill orders for relief goods. Rob Roblin of Channel 11 news in Baltimore, Md., taped the report on the shipments sent to the Hurricane Sandy response, to air Wednesday, Nov. 14, during the 6 p.m. newscast ( ).

Church Fund Makes Grants for Sandy Response, New BDM Project in Binghamton, NY

“During a disaster such as this, now is the time to remember that the most important humanitarian donation an individual can make is cash,” notes Brethren Disaster Ministries in an e-mail update this week about its response to Hurricane Sandy. The reminder comes at a time when the Church of the Brethren’s Emergency Disaster Fund (EDF)–which spports the work of Brethren Disaster Ministries–has made its first grants toward the Sandy relief effort.

“Once damage assessments are complete, Brethren Disaster Ministries will develop plans for future long-term recovery activities including major home repairs and rebuilds,” reports Roy Winter, associate executive director.

New Windsor Center Ships $600,000 of Relief Goods to Storm Survivors on Behalf of CWS

Shipments of relief materials have been heading out from warehouses at the Brethren Service Center in New Windsor, Md., to Hurricane Sandy survivors. The shipments–amounting to $605,152 worth of relief–are made on behalf of humanitarian organization Church World Service (CWS), a coalition of Christian denominations and nonprofit agencies.

Children’s Disaster Services Works in New Jersey, New York; Brethren Service Center Ships Materials for CWS

Brethren Disaster Ministries and ecumenical partner Church World Service (CWS) have issued updates on their responses to the unfolding disaster and continuing human needs in the wake of Hurricane Sandy. Church members who are considering donating to the response are encouraged to give through the Emergency Disaster Fund ( ) in support of the Brethren response including the work of Children’s Disaster Services ( ).

Newsline for Oct. 31, 2012

“And the Word became flesh and lived among us” (John 1:14, NRSV). NEWS 1) Denomination’s ministries to be supported by $8.2 million budget in 2013. 2) Disaster response to Sandy begins, Brethren still without power in some areas. 3) EDF grants support Brethren Disaster Ministries projects in Virginia and Alabama. 4) Global Food Crisis Fund

Global Food Crisis Fund Gives $50,000 Grant to Haitian Brethren

A $50,000 grant from the Global Food Crisis Fund for agriculture projects in Haiti will be implemented together with L’eglise des Freres Haitiens (the Church of the Brethren in Haiti). The grant funds a program intended to build on the work of Brethren Disaster Ministries in Haiti over the past three years.

Progressive Brethren Gather in California

More than 150 Brethren from across the US gathered at La Verne (Calif.) Church of the Brethren Oct. 26-28 for the fifth annual Progressive Brethren Conference. The weekend of worship, workshops, music, study, and celebration was built around the theme “Holy Work: Becoming a Beloved Community.”

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