Client Investments Enable BBT to Take Stand Against Human Trafficking

Putting the spotlight on global slavery and trafficking: That is what retirement contributions and congregational investments through Brethren Benefit Trust (BBT) have helped achieve through the agency’s socially responsible investing initiatives. BBT signed on to a January letter urging the US Congress to require large companies to enact policies and auditing procedures that can expose and eliminate human mistreatment in their global supply chains.

Clergy Tax Seminar Will Review Tax Law, 2011 Changes

A tax seminar for clergy will be held on Feb. 20 through a collaboration of Bethany Seminary’s Office of Electronic Communication, the Brethren Academy for Ministerial Leadership, and the Church of the Brethren Office of Ministry. Seminary students, pastors, and other church leaders are invited to attend the seminar either in person at Bethany Seminary in Richmond, Ind., or online.

Stewardship Leadership Seminar Focuses on Generosity

On Nov. 28, 2011, more than 80 steward leaders gathered at the Sirata Beach Resort in St. Pete Beach, Fla., for the Ecumenical Stewardship Center 2011 Leadership Seminar. The theme was “Creating Congregational Culture of Generosity in the 21st Century.” Representatives from nearly 20 denominations heard presentations on the subject by plenary speakers Carol F. Johnston, Jill Schumann, and Paul Johnson. Attendees participated in lively discussion, sharing of ideas, and mutual encouragement.

Annual Conference New Web Design, 2012 Information Packet Are Unveiled

The Conference Office has unveiled a new website design at , where the information packet for the 2012 Annual Conference is now available to download. Postcards giving the web address have been sent to each congregation of the Church of the Brethren.

BMC Approved as Project Site for BVS

The Brethren Mennonite Council for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Interests (BMC) has been accepted as a placement site for Brethren Volunteer Service volunteers.

New Church Development Conference Registration Opens Jan. 17

Registration for the Church of the Brethren’s New Church Development Conference opens online Jan. 17 at noon (central time) at . Conference information including a schedule, workshop list, and logistical details, is available now at the same web address.

A Reflection on the Haiti Earthquake: Two Years of Recovery

Roy Winter is associate executive director of Global Mission and Service for the Church of the Brethren and director of Brethren Disaster Ministries. He provided this personal reflection to mark the second anniversary of the earthquake.

Brethren Bits

“Brethren bits” for Jan. 11, 2012, includes a remembrance for Ruth Early, the Church of the Brethren’s first Washington representative, personnel news and district staff changes plus a job opening announcement for On Earth Peace executive director, a prayer request for Nigeria, and more Brethren news.

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