New Schedule Announced for Ministers Event Led by Brueggemann

The Ministers’ Association has issued a new schedule for its pre-Conference two-day learning event featuring Walter Brueggemann, July 6-7 in St. Louis. Brueggemann, a renowned Old Testament scholar and author of over 50 books, will address the topic “Truth Speaks to Power” and the question, “How can the witness of the gospel be uttered and enacted in the midst of a public domain that now features immense concentrations of money, power, and control?”

Deacon Ministry Offers Pre-Conference Workshops

Two deacon training workshops will be held in St. Louis on Saturday, July 7, prior to the start of the 2012 Annual Conference. The workshops are sponsored by the Church of the Brethren Deacon Ministry, a part of Congregational Life Ministries. Both workshops will be held in the America’s Center convention center, Room 122.

Annual Conference Bits and Pieces

These highlights of special events and opportunities at the 2012 Annual Conference include a second annual Congregational Life Ministry Fair, pre- and post-Conference tours of Bethany Theological Seminary, “New Fire: Youth and Young Adults and the Ecumenical Movement” presentation at the Ecumenical Luncheon, a “Night at the Museum” for young adults and singles/night owls, and much, much more.

Annual Conference Registration and Housing Open Online Feb. 22

In an announcement from the Conference Office, on Feb. 22 general registration and housing reservations open online for the 2012 Annual Conference of the Church of the Brethren, to be held on July 7-11 in St. Louis, Mo. The registration site for the Conference is .

Brethren Bits for Feb. 8, 2012

Brethren bits for Feb. 8 include a remembrance for a longtime volunteer at the Brethren Service Center, news of a new chaplain for Fahrney-Keedy, job openings at On Earth Peace and Camp Peaceful Pines, a young adult opportunity at the World Council of Churches, the Senior High Roundtable at Bridgewater plus more college news, anniversaries, a new “Brethren Voices,” and more.

Vision Statement Coming to Annual Conference is Available Online

The Vision Statement for the Church of the Brethren, slated for consideration at the 2012 Annual Conference in July, is now available for inspection and review on the Conference website. That was one of the actions taken by a committee charged with interpreting and presenting the statement to the Conference delegates.

One Great Hour of Sharing Offering Scheduled for March 18

“And God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that by always having enough of everything, you may share abundantly in every good work” (2 Corinthians 9:8). The theme for the 2012 One Great Hour of Sharing offering continues to be “Sharing Brings Joy,” with a focus this year on sharing joy with others.

Newsline for February 8, 2012

The Newsline for Feb. 8, 2012, includes an Annual Conference preview with news of registration and housing opening date as well as a Vision Statement coming to the Annual Conference, pre-Conference workshops, sessions on women in leadership, and Annual Conference bits and pieces; personnel notices for Nathan Hosler as new advocacy officer and the retirement of Cross Keys Village president/CEO Vernon King; Child Abuse Prevention Month in April; Children’s Disaster Services Spring training workshops; ‘Naked Anabaptist’ author Murray featured in upcoming webinar; One Great Hour of Sharing offering; resources for Lent; and Brethren bits.

‘Naked Anabaptist’ Author Murray Featured in Upcoming Webinar

A one-day workshop and webinar titled “Changing World, Future Church, Ancient Paths” will be led by Stuart Murray Williams and Juliet Kilpin on March 10, from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. (Pacific), or 12-6 p.m. (central). The event will address the question, “What does it mean to follow Jesus in a changing culture, in which the Christian story is no longer familiar and the church is on the margins?”

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