Newsline for Nov. 30, 2011

Stories include: 1) Committee announces decisions regarding 2012 Annual Conference; 2) Enhancing, restructuring, and safeguarding its ministries was the focus of the BBT board’s fall meeting; 3) BBT board offers Ethos Statement to Church of the Brethren community as a guide for interaction; 4) Brethren funds jointly support relief for Horn of Africa famine; 5) BBT announces personnel changes and restructuring; 6) Brethren Academy announces upcoming courses; 7) Young adults will meet on theme, ‘Humble Yet Bold: Being the Church’; 8) Bethany Seminary invites youth to explore their call; 9) Brethren bits: Correction, remembrance, personnel, Christmas events, much more.

Brethren Bits

Corrections, a remembrance, personnel notices, job openings, Christmas events, and much, much more news about and for Brethren.

Brethren Bits

Corrections, a remembrance, personnel notices, job openings, Christmas events, and much, much more news about and for Brethren.

Brethren Academy Announces Upcoming Courses

The Brethren Academy for Ministerial Leadership has announced courses for 2012. Courses are open to Training in Ministry (TRIM) students, pastors seeking continuing education units, and all interested persons. Registration brochures are available at or call 800-287-8822 ext. 1824. For a Susquehanna Valley Ministry Center course contact or 717-361-1450.

‘Prepare the Way’ is Theme for Annual Advent Offering

Resources are now available for the 2011 Church of the Brethren Advent Offering on the theme “Prepare the Way.” The offering is designed to help congregations connect with Church of the Brethren peace and justice ministries through worship and reflection, and provides support for the denomination’s core ministries fund.

Newsline for Nov. 16, 2011

Stories in this issue of Newsline include: 1) Northeast Nigeria again experiences violence, EYN church burned. 2) EDF announces grants, new disaster project to start in Alabama. 3) Progressive Brethren Gathering focuses on response to 2011 Conference. 4) Bethany trustees address seminary’s role in church leadership. 5) Sustaining Pastoral Excellence welcomes final Vital Pastor cohorts. 6) Elizabethtown College students go hungry for Food Stamp Challenge. 7) CCS 2012 asks ‘What is your carbon footprint?’ 8) Workcamps prepare participants to be ‘Ready to Listen.’ 9) ‘Prepare the Way’ is theme for annual Advent offering. 10) Honor to whom honor is due: A reflection on St. Martin’s Day. 11) Brethren bits: NCC and district personnel, church and college news, much more.

Sustaining Pastoral Excellence Welcomes Final Vital Pastor Cohorts

The Sustaining Pastoral Excellence program of the Brethren Academy for Ministerial Leadership this year has welcomed its final five cohort groups of pastors in the Vital Pastor track. In addition, seven pastors began the Advanced Foundations of Church Leadership track in September.

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