Ecumenical Conversation Works at New Definition of ‘Security’

The ecumenical conversation on “human security” at the World Council of Churches (WCC) 10th Assembly was an exercise in changing the concept of what security means, as well as opening minds and hearts to the suffering of those who live in insecurity around the world.

Leading EYN Through Its Most Difficult Time: An Interview with Samuel Dante Dali

Samuel Dante Dali, president of Ekklesiyar Yan’uwa a Nigeria (EYN–the Church of the Brethren in Nigeria), attended the World Council of Churches 10th Assembly as delegate for the Nigerian Brethren. Here he talks about the increase of terrorist violence in northeast Nigeria where members of EYN have been among the many killed in attacks by extremist Islamists.

New Resources Include Calendar to Learn Philippians, Domestic Violence Awareness, Children’s Sabbaths, More

October offers congregations the opportunity to participate in two national observances promoting the welfare of families and children: Domestic Violence Awareness Month and Children’s Sabbaths Celebration. A calendar for learning the book of Philippians by heart also begins in October, offered by the Annual Conference moderator as a focus for Bible study in preparation for the 2014 annual meeting.

Curriculum Helps Youth Develop Beliefs on Peace, Conscientious Objection

Call of Conscience, a Church of the Brethren web-based curriculum, is available to download from . Written by Julie Garber, this resource is designed to help youth develop their beliefs about peace and conscientious objection to war. The curriculum focuses on developing a personal peace position based on biblical teaching and the traditions of the church.

Church Leaders Discuss Moving Syria to Peace; General Secretary Attends with Syria, Russia, US, Europe Leaders

Following a World Council of Churches (WCC) meeting with church leaders from Russia, Syria, the United States, and Europe on the role of the church moving all parties in Syria toward a peace agreement. Kofi Annan, former United Nations secretary-general, and Lakhdar Brahimi, Joint Representative for Syria, joined the group of Christian leaders today at the WCC Ecumenical Institute Center. Church of the Brethren general secretary Stanley J. Noffsinger was one of the American church leaders at the meeting.

Grant of $100,000 Is Given to Aid Syrian Refugees

A grant of $100,000 from the Emergency Disaster Fund is being prepared by Brethren Disaster Ministries, to go to the ACT Alliance for the humanitarian crisis in and around Syria.

United Nations Holds Second Forum on ‘the Culture of Peace’

On Friday, Sept. 6, the United Nations held the Second High Level Forum on The Culture of Peace. The background for the forum is the passing of, by consensus, Resolution 53/243 on the Declaration and Program of Action on a Culture of Peace, followed by the implementation of the International Decade for Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World (2001-2010).

Mid-Atlantic District Leader Preaches at Antietam’s Dunker Church

Both words and actions were evident and obvious at the 43rd annual Brethren Service at the Dunker Meetinghouse, the landmark and centerpiece of the Civil War battlefield at Antietam National Park. The service is held each year on the Sunday closest to the battle, which took place 151 years ago on Sept. 17, 1862.

Brethren Respond to Syria Crisis, Participate in Fasting and Prayer, Prepare $100,000 Grant for Refugee Needs

Church of the Brethren leaders, congregations, schools, participants at National Older Adult Conference, and other individual members of the church have been responding to the crisis in Syria in a variety of ways, including participating in fasting and prayer for peace in Syria (see the call to a day of fasting and prayer at ) .

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