Haiti mission education trip is announced

The Church of the Brethren is offering a mission education trip to Haiti for persons interested in exploring and supporting the church’s Haiti development initiatives in partnership with Eglise des Freres d’Haiti (the Church of the Brethren in Haiti). The trip from July 19-23 can accommodate up to 45 participants who will join 5 members of the Haitian staff for the experience. It will be based in two small hotels about 50 miles north of Port au Prince.

A Haiti display at McPherson Church of the Brethren

National commission considers changes to Selective Service

The Church of the Brethren Office of Peacebuilding and Policy attended a press conference of the National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service held at the Newseum in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 23. This commission is tasked with exploring national attitudes toward military and volunteer service, and potentially recommending changes to the Selective Service system.

BBT president signs on to letter from denominational benefit plans

The president of Brethren Benefit Trust (BBT), Nevin Dulabaum, has signed on to a letter to Congressional leaders sent by chief executive officers of denominational benefit plans. The November letter expressed concern about two separate sections of the Internal Revenue Code, one with potential to restrict participation in church retirement income account plans, and the other to potentially impose a tax on church parking lots.

Register for youth and young adult events in 2019

Registration is open or is opening soon for several events and opportunities for youth and young adults in the Church of the Brethren, including the 2019 workcamps, Christian Citizenship Seminar, National Junior High Conference, and Young Adult Conference. Application deadlines are coming up for Ministry Summer Service and the Youth Peace Travel Team.

2017 Ministry Summer Service participants
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