Department of Defense Contractor Lists Released by BBT, FedEx Moves Up

Honoring the Church of the Brethren’s historic peace stance can be accomplished in many ways, and Brethren Benefit Trust chooses to do so through its investments. BBT does this by compiling lists of publicly traded US Department of Defense contractors each year and prohibiting its investment managers from investing BBT funds in them.

Moderator Makes Trip to Spain, Visits New Brethren Group

Annual Conference moderator Tim Harvey has provided the following report on the annual moderator’s international trip to visit mission points or to meet with international Brethren or ecumenical partners. This year the moderator’s international trip was to visit with an emerging Brethren group in Spain.

Business Items Are Announced for the 2012 Annual Conference

The business items to come to the Church of the Brethren Annual Conference in St. Louis, Mo., on July 7-11 are now available online. Also now available online are a series of brief delegate briefing videos featuring Annual Conference moderator Tim Harvey and secretary Fred Swartz. Find videos and links to business items at .

Conference Officers Invite Ministry of Reconciliation to Broader Role

For over 20 years, moderators of the Church of the Brethren Annual Conference have invited the Ministry of Reconciliation (MoR) of On Earth Peace to provide observers during business sessions. This year the Annual Conference officers have invited MoR to expand its presence to include the entire Conference.

Brethren Bits for April 19, 2012

This issue of Newsline includes Brethren bits about new personnel and a job opening at Brethren retirement centers, the Spring meeting of the On Earth Peace board, calls for nominations for the Open Roof award, information about Youth Sunday May 6, Brazilian Brethren work in a favela (shanty town), and lots of anniversaries, and even more college news.

Newsline for April 19, 2012

News stories include: 1) Seminary forum discusses intersection of sexuality and spirituality. 2) Disciples and Brethren leaders explore partnerships in mission. 3) EDF grant supports Brethren disaster rebuilding site in Virginia. 4) Christians and Muslims meet to pursue peace and understanding. 5) Juniata College president Tom Kepple to retire. 6) Jantzi to serve as executive minister for Shenandoah District. 7) Revised Deacon Manual to be published in two volumes. 8) Video documents Nigerian Brethren experience of violence, peacemaking. 9) Track your steps at National Walk @ Lunch Day–and every day. 10) Honoring those who said no to war. 11) Brethren bits: Personnel, job, OEP board, Open Roof award, Youth Sunday, 100th anniversaries, college news, and more.

Seminary Forum Discusses Intersection of Sexuality and Spirituality

Bethany Seminary’s Presidential Forum on “Joy and Suffering in the Body: Turning Toward Each Other” brought more than 160 people to the campus in Richmond, Ind., on April 12-14. Headlining the event was James Forbes, senior minister emeritus of New York’s Riverside Church and Harry Emerson Fosdick Adjunct Professor of Preaching at Union Theological Seminary.

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