“Give now to support California wildfire response through Brethren Disaster Ministries,” said an appeal shared by denominational staff this week. “Children’s Disaster Services is already responding to the needs of children and families. Working with the Pacific Southwest District and partner organizations, Brethren Disaster Ministries is planning to address short- and long-term needs of vulnerable people impacted by the fires.”
Give to the Brethren Disaster Ministries appeal at www.brethren.org/giveEDF-Wildfires.
Two districts of the Church of the Brethren–Pacific Southwest District, which includes Los Angeles and southern California in its district boundaries, and Virlina District, located on the other side of the country in the area of Virginia and the Carolinas–also have announced special collections to aid people affected by the fires in the Los Angeles area.
The district board of Pacific Southwest District has created an emergency fund to support Brethren who have been affected and has given an initial $2,500 of districts funds to the effort.
Virlina District announced it will be taking up a special offering for those impacted by the fires, with all funds to be sent to Pacific Southwest District for distribution to those in need through their congregations.
The full message from Pacific Southwest District follows in English and Spanish:
Leaders and Pastors / Pastores y lideres,
(En español a continuación)
Today the Pacific Southwest District Board at its Zoom meeting took action to create an Emergency Fund to support Brethren impacted by the 2025 LA County Fires. The district will work with our congregations in the affected areas to have the local churches notify their members who have been impacted about the possibility of assistance. Individuals must be active participants in the life of the church to be eligible. Emergency grants may be provided for loss of home or belongings, extra expenses incurred while needing to evacuate, or loss of income due to loss or reduction of employment as a result of the fires. Other needs and expenses may also be considered, if the loss is a result of the fires. Individuals are to work with their insurance first to see what coverage is provided.
Congregations and individuals are invited to contribute to this Relief Fund, and the District Board has placed an initial $2500 from District Funds to start the effort. Donations can be mailed to the PSWD Office at PO Box 760, Glendora, CA 91740 or given online at https://www.pswdcob.org/donate/. With all gifts please indicate the donation is for Fire Relief.
If you have questions, please contact the District Office. And continue to hold those impacted by the fires and the firefighters and other first responders in your prayers.
Hoy, la Junta del Distrito del Pacífico Suroeste en su reunión de Zoom tomó medidas para crear un Fondo de Emergencia para apoyar a los Hermanos afectados por los incendios del condado de Los Ángeles de 2025. El distrito trabajará con nuestras congregaciones en las áreas afectadas para que las iglesias locales notifiquen a sus miembros que se han visto afectados sobre la posibilidad de asistencia. Las personas deben ser participantes activos en la vida de la iglesia para ser elegibles. Se pueden proporcionar subvenciones de emergencia por pérdida de vivienda o pertenencias, gastos adicionales incurridos mientras se necesita evacuar o pérdida de ingresos debido a la pérdida o reducción del empleo como resultado de los incendios. También se pueden considerar otras necesidades y gastos, si la pérdida es resultado de los incendios. Las personas deben consultar primero con su seguro para ver qué cobertura se proporciona.
Se invita a las congregaciones y a las personas a contribuir a este Fondo de ayuda, y la Junta del Distrito ha depositado una suma inicial de $2500 de los Fondos del Distrito para iniciar el esfuerzo. Las donaciones se pueden enviar por correo a la Oficina del PSWD en PO Box 760, Glendora, CA 91740 o se pueden realizar en línea en https://www.pswdcob.org/donate/. Con todas las donaciones, indique que la donación es para la ayuda contra incendios.
Si tiene preguntas, comuníquese con la Oficina del Distrito. Y continúe teniendo en sus oraciones a los afectados por los incendios y a los bomberos y otros socorristas.
Pace e bene, Paz y bien, Peace and all good,
Russ Matteson, District Executive Minister
#MissionAndMinistryBoard #StrategicPlan #RacialJustice #LoveOurNeighbors #Discipleship #NewTestamentGiving
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