The Church of the Brethren Mission and Ministry Board set the 2025 budget parameter for the denomination’s Core Ministries during a pre-Annual Conference meeting in Grand Rapids, Mich., on July 3. Chair Colin Scott led the meeting, assisted by chair-elect Kathy Mack and general secretary David Steele.
The 2025 budget parameter for the Church of the Brethren’s Core Ministries was approved at $5.13 million in income and $5.66 million in expense. This budget parameter was recommended by the Executive Committee, with a couple of changes to the original parameter proposed by staff. The revised parameter includes, among other things, an increase in the cost-of-living adjustment for employee salary and benefits from the proposed 1 percent to 2.5 percent for 2025, and changing the use of designated funds in the original parameter from $481,000 to $0. There is an anticipated 7 percent increase for employee medical insurance. In approving the revised budget parameter–which is based on 10-year giving trends as well as investment transfers–the board also approved a significant budget deficit of $529,000, which is to be addressed by the Executive Committee between now and the Fall board meeting.
In other business:
Along with the budget parameter conversation, the board also received a financial update for current year 2024 from treasurer Ed Woolf.
The Strategic Planning Committee received approval for a recommendation intended to enhance the direct linkage between the four “pillars” of the strategic plan and the program of the denominational ministries, through infusing communications with the language of the strategic plan and more direct advocacy by board members and staff. The four “pillars” are: “Pursue Christ’s call to discipleship,” “Embody the biblical command to love our neighbors,” “Seek God’s racial justice,” and “Reclaim New Testament models of giving.” The board also engaged in an hour of conversation around the Strategic Plan’s goal for “God’s Racial Justice.”
The board called a new Executive Committee for 2024-2025, naming board members Michaela Alphonse, Joel Gibbel, and Rosanna Eller McFadden to serve on the committee with chair Colin Scott and chair-elect Kathy Mack.
Board members recognized for their contributions as they completed their terms were Lauren Seganos Cohen, Meghan Horne Mauldin, and J. Roger Schrock.
During the meeting, the board also shared prayer concerns, recognized staff transitions, honored recipients of the Revelation 7:9 Award presented by the Intercultural Ministries (see, and welcomed and heard from international guests (see As always, the meeting included devotions, hymns, and prayer.
Business documents and background information for the meeting are at
#MissionAndMinistryBoard #StrategicPlan #RacialJustice #LoveOurNeighbors #Discipleship #NewTestamentGiving
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