CWS reports on effects of executive orders on immigration and refugees

Church World Service has issued a release outlining the consequences of the executive order on immigration and asking for help to protect immigrants and asylum seekers. CWS also outlines how President Trump’s executive order on refugees will affect the staffing and financing of Church World Service, as well as the lives of individual refugees.

Church of the Brethren general secretary among 2,000 religious leaders signing letter supporting refugee resettlement

General secretary David Steele on behalf of the Church of the Brethren has signed a letter to President Trump and members of Congress expressing support for refugee resettlement. The letter, which has now been signed by more than 2,000 religious leaders from across the country–and is still open to receiving more signatures–is an initiative of the Interfaith Immigration Coalition.

Mission executive responds to question on refugees, denomination supports work of CWS

“We are the church, we’ll continue to be the church, and we will welcome refugees in need from all religious backgrounds. This is in keeping with our Christian faith,” said Jay Wittmeyer, executive director of Global Mission and Service, when contacted by the Huffington Post about the Church of the Brethren position on refugees.

Brethren bits for Jan. 20, 2017

Remembering Terry L. Shumaker, job openings, Church of the Brethren General Offices hosts MLK Day food drive, BVS gets recognition as a service program that “changes the world,” Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, dates for this year’s Meat Canning Project, new peacemaking infographic website from Elizabethtown College, lots of news from congregations, and more.

Young Adult Conference to address ‘Loving Neighbor’

As disciples of Jesus, we have been working out what those words mean. How do I love God with all of my heart, soul, and mind? Who is my neighbor and how do I love them as I love myself–not just in theory, but in practice? Am I ready to receive, as well as give, in relationship with “my neighbors”?

Kelsey Murray to serve as National Youth Conference coordinator

Kelsey Murray of Lancaster (Pa.) Church of the Brethren will serve as coordinator for the 2018 National Youth Conference (NYC). Murray is a 2014 graduate of Bridgewater (Va.) College, where she studied art with concentrations in ceramics, graphic design, and photography. As NYC coordinator, she will provide vision and leadership for the event, which she will plan with the National Youth Cabinet.

Spiritual direction Blooms at Shepherd’s Spring

Since the beginning of operations at Shepherd’s Spring Outdoor Ministry and Retreat Center in Mid-Atlantic District, there has been a focus on hospitality and spirituality. A year ago, it was decided to take this a step further. Several spiritual directors, board members, and staff met to discuss ways we can open the facility to a deeper spiritual awareness.

Emergency Disaster Fund supports aid for Haitians affected by Hurricane Matthew

Brethren Disaster Ministries has directed a grant of $50,000 from the Church of the Brethren’s Emergency Disaster Fund (EDF) to support the next phase of response to devastation in Haiti caused by Hurricane Matthew. The storm hit the island on Oct. 4, 2016, as a powerful category 4 hurricane, causing widespread damage and considerable losses, and up to 1,600 deaths.

Global Mission and Service executive joins delegation to Cuba

Heads of mission for US religious institutions visited Cuba from Jan. 9-13, and met with key religious and political leaders to discuss the relationship between Cuba and the United States and the role the institution church can have in improving that relationship. As executive director of Global Mission and Service, I joined the delegation on behalf of the Church of the Brethren.

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