Church of the Brethren Leadership Team statement in response to On Earth Peace’s decision to join the Supportive Communities Network

The recent announcement from On Earth Peace to become a member of the Supportive Communities Network (1) has raised polity questions for the Leadership Team of the denomination, which is responsible for interpreting Annual Conference decisions and denominational polity (2).  Although On Earth Peace is a separately incorporated agency and can therefore make decisions apart

Southern Ohio/Kentucky District hosted Mission and Ministry Board meeting in mid-March

The spring meeting of the Church of the Brethren Mission and Ministry Board was held March 13-16 at Oakland Church of the Brethren in Bradford, Ohio. Southern Ohio/Kentucky District hosted the board meeting, arranging the venue, meals, and other hospitality. Leading the meeting were chair Patrick Starkey with chair-elect Carl Fike and general secretary David

Denominational facilities are closed to visitors, most staff to work from home

The Church of the Brethren denominational staff are minimizing the number of personnel present at both the General Offices in Elgin, Ill., and the Brethren Service Center in New Windsor, Md., in light of health authorities’ advice to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus COVID-19. At this time, both sites are closed to visitors and

Church of the Brethren staff plan to go forward with spring and summer events, while monitoring circumstances surrounding coronavirus

The Church of the Brethren staff planning events this spring and summer do not intend to make any cancellations because of the COVID-19 (novel coronavirus). However, they are assessing risks and monitoring information from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and other health authorities to plan ahead for eventualities and circumstances beyond their control. Brethren

Compelling vision recommendation to Annual Conference is released

The compelling vision recommendation that will be presented in July to the 2020 Annual Conference of the Church of the Brethren has been released. Following is a statement from the Compelling Vision Team: “Jesus in the Neighborhood” The Compelling Vision Team has released the compelling vision: “Together, as the Church of the Brethren, we will

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