Church of the Brethren General Secretary Takes Part in Plenary on Peace

“When Jesus said ‘Love your enemies,’ I think he probably meant don’t kill them,” said Stan Noffsinger at the plenary on peace at the World Council of Churches 10th Assembly. He was quoting a popular Brethren bumper sticker written by San Diego-based peacemaker Linda Williams.

First Impressions: Words and Images from the Opening Days of the WCC 10th Assembly

Sound bites in words and images from opening days of the World Council of Churches Assembly in Busan, South Korea–the 10th for the WCC. Held only every 7 or 8 years, each WCC assembly represents the largest and diverse gathering of Christian denominations from around the world. The Church of the Brethren is a founding member.

The WCC Assembly by the Numbers

The WCC Assembly in South Korea will be the largest and most diverse gathering of Christians ever. What will happen in Korea will be a unique moment in the worldwide Christian ecumenical movement. According to a release by Ka Hyun MacKenzie Shin and Roddy MacKenzie, those coming to Korea for this extraordinary gathering include….

MMB Adopts Budget, Revision of Ministerial Leadership Polity, Recommendation on Equitable Representation

A budget for 2014 and responses to business sent back by Annual Conference–the Ministerial Leadership document and a query on equitable representation–were on the agenda of the Mission and Ministry Board Oct. 18-21. The meeting was chaired by Becky Ball Miller. Also on the agenda were the strategic plan, financial policies, capital proposals, discussion of the Brethren Service Center, celebration of Gather ’Round, the Annual Conference delegate travel stipend, terms of board members, and reports.

Brethren Bits for September 27

Brethren bits for Sept. 27. This week: Shine seeks curriculum writers, September is National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month, a banquet celebrates Carlisle Truck Stop Ministry, solidarity and concern for Christians in Pakistan following the bombing of All Saints Church, and much more.

Church Leaders Discuss Moving Syria to Peace; General Secretary Attends with Syria, Russia, US, Europe Leaders

Following a World Council of Churches (WCC) meeting with church leaders from Russia, Syria, the United States, and Europe on the role of the church moving all parties in Syria toward a peace agreement. Kofi Annan, former United Nations secretary-general, and Lakhdar Brahimi, Joint Representative for Syria, joined the group of Christian leaders today at the WCC Ecumenical Institute Center. Church of the Brethren general secretary Stanley J. Noffsinger was one of the American church leaders at the meeting.

Brethren Respond to Syria Crisis, Participate in Fasting and Prayer, Prepare $100,000 Grant for Refugee Needs

Church of the Brethren leaders, congregations, schools, participants at National Older Adult Conference, and other individual members of the church have been responding to the crisis in Syria in a variety of ways, including participating in fasting and prayer for peace in Syria (see the call to a day of fasting and prayer at ) .

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