A Chat with ‘Spirited Brethren’ Carl and Roxane Hill

The Church of the Brethren co-directors of Nigeria Crisis Response, Carl Hill and his wife Roxane from the United States of America, were here once again to assess the impact of the donations made by American Brethren on the activities of EYN (Ekklesiyar Yan’uwa a Nigeria, or the Church of the Brethren in Nigeria).

Trip to Nigeria Yields Testimonies of Thanks for Support from American Brethren

This report from Roxane and Carl Hill’s recent trip to Nigeria highlights testimonies about how the aid of the Church of the Brethren is appreciated by members of Ekklesiyar Yan’uwa a Nigeria (EYN, the Church of the Brethren in Nigeria). Carl and Roxane Hill are co-directors of the Nigeria Crisis Response of the Church of the Brethren.

Nigerian Brethren Leaders Visit Refugees in Cameroon

Leaders of Ekklesiyar Yan’uwa a Nigeria (EYN, the Church of the Brethren in Nigeria) and the manager of the EYN Disaster Team traveled to Cameroon last week to visit and support Nigerian refugees who have fled across the border into the neighboring country. This camp hosts more than 30,000 refugees mainly from Gwoza Local Government Area.

‘Together for Nigeria’ Event in Michigan Raises Funds, Brings Attention to the Crisis

In the fall last year, Tim Joseph conceived the idea of holding a big event at Onekama (Mich.) Church of the Brethren on Jan. 31 as a fundraiser for the Nigeria Crisis Fund. The struggle that the Nigerian Brethren are undergoing right now may be the biggest crisis the Church of the Brethren movement has ever suffered, particularly considering the sheer number of people involved, the number of churches destroyed, the number of deaths. Of course we should do all we can to send aid.

Donations to Nigeria Crisis Fund Meet Board’s Matching Challenge

More than $500,000 has been raised for the Nigeria Crisis Fund, meeting a matching challenge issued by the Church of the Brethren Mission and Ministry Board last fall. As of Dec. 31, 2014, the Nigeria Crisis Fund had received a total of $506,100.50 in donations.

Brethren Disaster Relief Auction Gives Half Million Dollars for Nigeria Relief

After a special request for support of the Nigeria Crisis Response, the Brethren Disaster Relief Auction board has allocated $500,000 to the Church of the Brethren Emergency Disaster Fund (EDF) which is administered by Brethren Disaster Ministries. This is the auction’s largest grant ever to the EDF and the disaster relief work of the Church of the Brethren.

In Addition to Constant Prayer, Funds Are Needed in Nigeria

The following is the script from a short video report on the Nigeria crisis by Church of the Brethren videographer David Sollenberger. He returned last week from a reporting trip to Nigeria on behalf of Brethren Disaster Ministries and Global Mission and Service. In the video, this script is interspersed with brief interviews not quoted here. View the video at www.brethren.org or on YouTube at http://youtu.be/T_Y9hlxuBfo :

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