Disaster Response to Sandy Begins, Brethren Still Without Power in Some Areas

As the relief effort following Hurricane Sandy gets underway, Brethren Disaster Ministries is encouraging Brethren to consider donating to the Emergency Disaster Fund (www.brethren.org/edf ) to support a Brethren response including deployment of Children’s Disaster Services volunteers.

Brethren Disaster Ministries Monitors Storm and Calls for Prayer, Children’s Disaster Services Volunteers on Alert

“CDS is busy,” reports Judy Bezon. As the storm called “Sandy” assaults the East Coast, Children’s Disaster Services has put volunteers on alert and Brethren Disaster Ministries staff are calling for prayer as they monitor the situation. Prayer is requested for all affected by the storm, as it threatens the US after causing damage in a number of Caribbean nations including Haiti–where four Brethren families lost homes–as well as the Dominican Republic and Cuba.

Brethren Drought Response Will Aid Farm Families, Encourage Garden Projects

A new Brethren effort has been put together by denominational staff and districts to respond to needs of farmers and communities following a summer of extreme drought. The Church of the Brethren drought response will be carried out in two parts, a Farm Relief Initiative, and a Community Food Security and Nutrition Initiative.

Children’s Disaster Services Aids Families Displaced by Isaac

Children’s Disaster Services (CDS) is aiding children in Louisiana who have been displaced by Hurricane Isaac. Fifteen CDS volunteers were deployed to this heavily impacted area on Sept. 3. R. Jan Thompson is serving as project manager for the response.

Newsline Special: Hurricane Isaac

Brethren Disaster Ministries monitors progress of storm, Children’s Disaster Service prepares volunteers to respond, Haitian and Dominican Brethren send updates

Children’s Disaster Services Completes Oklahoma Response

Children’s Disaster Services has completed a response in Oklahoma, where a total of 11 volunteers cared for children for 9 days after wildfires destroyed numerous homes. The CDS volunteers saw a total of 69 children.

Disaster Projects in New York, Alabama, Virginia Are Extended

Brethren Disaster Ministries has announced a decision to extend the timeline for three of its disaster rebuilding project sites. The projects in Prattsville, N.Y., and Town Creek, Ala., will be extended through October, and the site in Pulaski, Va., will continue through September.

Grants Are Given to Start New Brethren Disaster Project Sites

Two grants have been given from the Emergency Disaster Fund (EDF) to start new Brethren Disaster Ministries project sites in New York State and Alabama. Other recent EDF grants also have been announced in response to Church World Service (CWS) appeals for Pakistan and northern Africa. In related news, the Global Food Crisis Fund (GFCF) also has announced a grant to a Rural Development Program in Nigeria.

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