Ministries of Reconciliation and Listening Will Offer Assistance at Conference

Many who have attended Annual Conference in past years are familiar with the yellow “On Earth Peace MoR (Ministry of Reconciliation) Observer” badges worn by skilled practitioners during Conference business sessions. This year as particularly sensitive business is discussed, these volunteer “Ministers of Reconciliation” will offer assistance not only during business sessions but throughout the Conference, mediating conflict, facilitating communication, navigating misunderstandings, and in general helping to make sense of the proceedings.

Newsline for June 16, 2011

The June 16 issue of Newsline features the following stories: 1. Conference officers review how Special Response decisions will be made. 2. Annual Conference bits and pieces. 3. Haitian church celebrates 100th home. 4 CDS volunteers go to Springfield, complete Joplin response. 5. Carol Bowman resigns as coordinator of stewardship formation. 6. New webinar focuses on importance of emotional intelligence. 7. Denominational Deacon Trainings continue in 2011. 8. Brethren bits: Corrections, remembrance, personnel, BVS on Today Show, and more.

Conference Officers Review How Special Response Decisions Will Be Made

The Annual Conference officers review how Special Response business items will be addressed during the Conference in Grand Rapids, Mich., on July 2-6. Two years ago, Annual Conference adopted “A Structural Framework for Dealing with Strongly Controversial Issues” and directed two items of new business to that framework.

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