Newsline for Oct. 20, 2017

1) Being the church after a catastrophe: Response to Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico
2) Insurance check will fund denomination’s envisioning work
3) Grant to EYN supports church rebuilding effort in Nigeria
4) Global Food Initiative grants support agriculture in several nations
5) Renacer Hispanic Ministry announces new strategy plan

6) Traci Rabenstein to lead Church of the Brethren donor relations team
7) Amy Beery to direct youth programs at Bethany Seminary

8) Openings are available for continuing education opportunity in urban ministry
9) Workcamp Ministry sets 2018 schedule of events

10) Domestic Violence Awareness Month is a call to peacemaking

11) Brethren bits

Brethren bits for Oct. 20, 2017

In this issue: Remembering Wally Landes, Ella Mae Weaver, and Merle Brown, plus how to join the moderator’s second online “town hall,” invitation to Brethren Disaster Ministries’ first repair/rebuilding project after Hurricane Harvey, districts receive offerings for hurricane relief, Mission Alive 2018 registration, prayer services for food justice, along with lots of news from congregations and districts, and more.

Domestic Violence Awareness Month is a call to peacemaking

At last month’s National Older Adult Conference (NOAC), Jim Wallis, president and founder of Sojourners, spoke to us of faithfulness and of living our Christian witness. This month, Sojourners reminds us that this is a call to peacemaking in the context of our daily lives. October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, a time for us to consider that while “one in three women experience intimate partner violence in their lives…95 percent of church-going women report they have never heard a sermon on abuse preached from the pulpit of their church.”

Being the church after a catastrophe: Response to Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico

After the devastating damage of hurricanes like Maria, civil society often breaks down. Desperate or opportunistic people start looting or stealing and stresses keep increasing. Another part of society pulls together and helps each other, bringing out the very best in human nature…and our faith often brings out the very best of being the church. The Puerto Rican churches are an inspiring example of being the church in a crisis. While burdened with many hardships, the Puerto Rican Brethren are coming together supporting each other and reaching out to their communities.

Workcamp Ministry sets 2018 schedule of events

The Church of the Brethren Workcamp Ministry has released the 2018 workcamp dates and locations. This programming for next summer will offer 10 locations for service, focusing on junior high opportunities because it will be a National Youth Conference year.

Grant to EYN supports church rebuilding effort in Nigeria

The Church of the Brethren has provided a second large grant to Ekklesiyar Yan’uwa a Nigeria (EYN, the Church of the Brethren in Nigeria) to support the church rebuilding efforts of EYN members. Out of this grant of $109,000, 20 EYN churches will receive grants of $5,000 each.

Global Food Initiative grants support agriculture in several nations

The most recent grants from the Global Food Initiative (GFI) bolster agriculture in several nations including Burundi, Ecuador, India, the Dominican Republic, and Venezuela. Find out more about the work of the GFI and how to support it at .

Insurance check will fund denomination’s envisioning work

The Church of the Brethren earlier this year received a check of $50,000 from Brethren Mutual Aid Agency and Brotherhood Mutual Insurance Company, representing a benefit earned through the Ministry Partner Program. The denomination’s Leadership Team has decided to use the money to fund work to frame a “compelling vision” for the denomination, with $1,000 provided to the Finance Office to cover costs of administering the money.

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