Church of the Brethren Newsline
August 5, 2017
by Dana Cassell
Staff from the Office of Ministry and Brethren Press have announced the decision to conclude work on the new minister’s manual resource. This project has stretched over several years, in which transitions in the make up of the volunteer team and the staff in the Office of Ministry have brought significant challenges.
After evaluating the submissions received, it became clear that the work still needed to complete the project as envisioned is too great to continue. This decision is due in large part to the quantity and quality of the submissions and the significant gaps in the manual’s expected outline. At this time, there will not be a new resource published in the vein of “For All Who Minister.”
Staff encourage ministers and others leading in worship to utilize the Anabaptist Worship Exchange (AWE), an online platform for sharing worship resources with others. This Church of the Brethren ministry makes it easy to download resources others have written and to upload and share your own. Visit to learn more.
We also are looking into ways to make available in digital form some of the most frequently used sections (such as wedding and funeral services) of “For All Who Minister.” Two possible online avenues for distributing these resources would be and AWE.
— Dana Cassell is pastor of Peace Covenant Church of the Brethren in Durham, N.C., and served on the committee that worked on a new minister’s manual resource.
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