Church of the Brethren Joins in Message to Congress on Reopening Government

Earlier this week, as the US Congress continued to wrangle over the impasse that closed the government for more than two weeks, scores of religious leaders descended on Capitol Hill on Oct. 15 to call the government back to work. The Church of the Brethren was one of 32 denominations and faith-based organizations to endorse an accompanying message to Congress calling for the re-opening of the government.

Brethren Bits for Oct. 11, 2013

Brethren bits for Oct. 11, 2013: Personnel and job opening, deadline for NYC youth worker, ENGAGE at Bethany, WCC virtual conference for “youth,” church anniversaries, Juniata’s celebration of new president Troha, lots of college and university news, more.

Newsline for Oct. 11, 2013

1) Registration fees for Annual Conference 2014 include new family friendly discount. 2) Enroll in dental, vision, and other insurance products in November through BBT. 3) ‘Pioneering’ is the subject of a three-webinar series. 4) Haitch to present Professorial Lecture at Bethany Seminary. 5) Entries sought for Bethany Peace Essay Contest. 6) Lerch concludes her work with TRIM and the Brethren Academy. 7) McElwee returns to Manchester University to guide fundraising. 8) Humanitarian curbs on deadly weapons boost new UN treaty, sharpen old debates. 9) Brethren bits.

Registration Fees for Annual Conference 2014 Include New Family Friendly Discount

“Given this is budget preparation time for many congregations, we’ve had calls and e-mails asking about the registration fees for Annual Conference next year,” said a note from the Conference Office, which highlights a new “family friendly” change made by the Program and Arrangements Committee.

Lerch Concludes Her Work with TRIM and the Brethren Academy

Marilyn Lerch, coordinator of the Training In Ministry (TRIM) program of the Brethren Academy for Ministerial Leadership, will conclude her half-time position on Dec. 31 as a result of staff reconfiguration at the academy. She will continue as half-time pastor of Bedford (Pa.) Church of the Brethren.

‘Pioneering’ Is the Subject of a Three-Webinar Series

Congregational Life Ministries is offering three new webinars on the topic of church pioneering. The webcast presenters are leaders from the Anabaptist Network in the United Kingdom, an organization that models dynamic ministry strategies and creative processes for new church development. The three webinars are hosted by the Church of the Brethren and organized together with Urban Expression, Bristol Baptist, and BMS World Mission.

Children Have Disaster Consequences Too: CDS Serves in Colorado Following Floods

By Dick McGee of the American Red Cross. The following report on the work of Children’s Disaster Services (CDS) in Longmont, Colo., following the extreme flooding in the state, was provided by the American Red Cross. A team of CDS volunteers has been serving at the Multi-Agency Resource Center (MARC) in Longmont. The team will finish up tomorrow and travel home on Sunday, reports Roy Winter, associate executive director of Brethren Disaster Ministries. “Disaster relief services are not just for grown-ups….”

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