Newsline for Oct. 5, 2011

Annual Conference officers provide theme, prayer calendar for 2012. Nigerian Brethren make progress on interfaith peace work. J. Colleen Michael to lead Oregon Washington District. Family Life Ministry highlights October observances. Junior High Sunday to be celebrated November 6. ‘Witness of Hebrew Bible’ event is offered by SVMC. Children’s Disaster Services announces upcoming workshops. Feature: Helping turn helplessness into hope. Brethren bits: Corrections, remembrance, personnel, anniversaries, more.

Children’s Disaster Services Announces Upcoming Workshops

Children’s Disaster Services ( ), a Church of the Brethren program serving children and families affected by disasters, has announced three workshops this fall. Each offers basic training for volunteers who are interested in working with the program.

Annual Conference Officers Provide Theme, Prayer Calendar for 2012

The Annual Conference officers have announced the theme for next year’s Annual Conference of the Church of the Brethren: “Continuing the Work of Jesus. Peacefully. Simply. Together” (Matthew 28:19-20). The officers invite Church of the Brethren members to join them in prayer on Wednesday mornings at 8 a.m. (each in their own time zone) until the start of next year’s Conference. The officers have provided an online prayer calendar guide for this time of prayer each week.

‘Witness of Hebrew Bible’ Event Is Offered by SVMC

The Susquehanna Valley Ministry Center (SVMC), in collaboration with Elizabethtown (Pa.) College Department of Religious Studies, will host a continuing education event titled “The Witness of the Hebrew Bible for a New Testament Church.” The event takes place Nov. 7 from 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m., on the Elizabethtown College campus in the Susquehanna Room, with speakers who contributed to a recent Brethren Press book of the same name.

Nigerian Brethren Make Progress on Interfaith Peace Work

A September update from Nathan and Jennifer Hosler, Church of the Brethren peace and reconciliation workers with Ekklesiyar Yan’uwa a Nigeria (EYN–the Church of the Brethren in Nigeria), highlights a group of Muslims and Christians who have been meeting together as an interfaith peace planning group under the name CAMPI, or Christians and Muslims for Peacebuilding Initiatives.

Day of Prayer for Peace Brings Communities Together

Today the International Day of Prayer for Peace (IDPP) observance takes place around the world, as an initiative of the World Council of Churches. On Earth Peace is holding its annual IDPP campaign this year with the goal of involving 200 congregations and groups on the theme, “Seek the Peace of the City.”

Brethren Representative Attends UN Conference in Bonn

Church of the Brethren representative to the United Nations, Doris Abdullah, earlier this month attended a conference for non-governmental organizations (NGOs) on the topic “Sustainable Societies, Responsive Citizens: Commit-Encourage-Volunteer.”

Newsline for Sept. 21, 2011

This week’s issue includes news of the International Day of Prayer for Peace bringing communities together, a Peace Prayer Wall posted by the World Council of Churches, a presentation by a WCC leader on peace and justice, upcoming events including preachers for the 2012 Annual Conference and the next Brethren webinar, order info for the Advent Devotional from Brethren Press, a report from the Brethren representative to the UN, and more “Brethren bits.”

Order Advent Devotional by Oct. 1 to Receive Discounted Price

The 2011 Advent Devotional from Brethren Press is now available at pre-production prices. The devotional on the theme “In the Beginning Was the Word,” written by David W. Miller, offers a devotion, scripture reading, and prayer for each day of Advent.

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