“We the Annual Conference of the Church of the Brethren reaffirm our denomination’s historic opposition to slavery. We understand the scriptures to reveal that God abhors slavery and that the gospel of Jesus Christ mandates our unwavering resistance to and action against all forms of slavery.”
Church of the Brethren Study and Action Guide
- Introduction (PDF) – What forms of slavery are common today?
- Biblical teachings (PDF)- What does the Bible say about slavery and justice? (includes guidelines for group Bible study)
- Church of the Brethren statements (PDF) (current and historical)
- Worship resources (PDF) – Scripture suggestions, sermon starters, call to worship, litany of confession, interactive readings, prayers, litany of dedication, children’s story, benediction, suggested hymns
- Suggestions for action (PDF) – Make a difference today!
- Resources on modern-day slavery (PDF) – Organizations, links, films and videos, books, and more
- Bulletin insert (PDF)