Worship resources

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Worship resources

Here is a list of music and worship resources to draw from as you are planning your sessions, especially if you are preparing a weekend retreat with opening and closing worship times. There are other possible choices in these two key worship resources—or check other resources that you might have.


From Hymnal supplement

1092 This is my song
1095 When our song says peace
1097 Siyahamba
1098 What does the Lord require
1099 Put peace into each other’s hands
1114 Jesus, you fill our hearts with your love
1120 Peace, be still, and know that I am God
1129 Spirit of Life
1133 Christ be in my mind
1034 Kindle a flame
1137 Let truth and mercy
1061 I have decided to follow Jesus
1084 Take, O take me as I am
1085 Blest are they

From Hymnal: A Worship Book

176 Comfort, comfort, O my people
346 Dona nobis pacem
429 Go now in peace
540 Strong, righteous man of Galilee
407 We are people of God’s peace
226 You are salt for the earth
377 Healer of our every ill
395 Here I am, Lord
372 O healing river
349 Spirit of the living God
336 When peace like a river
323 Beyond a dying sun
324 Seek ye first
322 For we are strangers no more

Worship resources

From Hymnal Supplement

1126 Prayer

From Hymnal: A Worship Book

711 Affirmation of faith
731 The Lord’s Prayer
733 Prayer of St. Francis
738 Prayer
756 Prayer
760 Prayer
817 Psalm 46:8-11 (responsive reading)
833 Micah 4:1-4 (responsive reading)
834 Matthew 5:1-16, the Beatitudes (responsive reading)
850 Romans 12:9-21 (responsive reading)

The Hymnal Supplement and Hymnal: A Worship Book are available from Brethren Press at www.brethrenpress.com or by calling 800-441-3712.