
Call of Conscience logo

The Church of the Brethren is making this curriculum available to you free of charge. Please provide some basic information to access the files.

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You can see a complete list of curriculum components below (and can download the first item).


From Brethren Press: Youth should each have a blank book for journaling if leaders use the reproducible handouts. The CO Journal, available at low cost from Brethren Press, takes the place of the reproducible handouts and the blank book. It contains most of the handouts, along with extra prayers and questions for journaling, and has been prepared so that it is possible for a reader to use independently. Because of this it varies slightly from the online version.

Session 1: Holy Obedience

Leader’s guide

“Scavenger Hunt” handout
“Holy Obedience” handout
“Call of Conscience” handout

Session 2: Going by the Book

Leader’s guide

Another World Is Possible video trailer

“Scriptures of Peace” handout
“Sentence Starters” handout
“Questions about Conscientious Objection” handout
“Call of Conscience” handout

Session 3: Taking a Stand

Leader’s guide

“All War Is Sin” video

“1775 to Today” handout
“Goshen Conference” article
“Ten Commandments/Beatitudes” page
“Questions about Conscientious Objection” worksheet
“Sample Letter” handout
“CO Checklist” handout
“Call of Conscience” handout

Session 4: Making a Defense for Hope

Leader’s guide

General Hershey photo
Lottery charts
CCW booklet
“Call of Conscience” handout

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