Offerings and Service Projects

At NYC 2022, we raised $2,521.75 for Church World Service School Kits and $1,949.56 for the NYC Scholarship Fund! We also raised $3,060 to offset hiking costs. In addition, we made 444 Diapers for Haiti, and 3,102 school kits.

Photo by Laura Brown


Throughout the week in worship, we will collect offerings. Some will benefit the local community, some the global community. As Jesus calls us to love our neighbors, we are also called to serve our neighbors.

School Supplies

As part of one of our service projects, we are partnering with Brethren Disaster Ministries and the Brethren Disaster Relief Auction in Pennsylvania to collect certain school supplies. These school supplies will be used to assemble school kits for children who are going to school in difficult settings. Click here to sign up to bring items. We will also collect monetary donations at NYC to purchase necessary parts to complete the kits.

NYC Scholarship Fund

Did you know there are youth that have been invited to NYC from across the world? The NYC scholarship fund helps multicultural international and domestic youth who would otherwise be unable to attend NYC. You can be a part of this amazing effort to widen the welcome of NYC!

Service Projects

During the week of NYC, you have the opportunity to serve. If you signed up for a service project during registration, you made a commitment to serve and understand that serving is about serving others, not yourself. If you did not sign up for a service project during registration and would like to, please email

Diapers for Haiti

Bring the t-shirts you don’t wear anymore to worship on Sunday morning or to the Brethren Block Party on Sunday afternoon! We will be tracing and cutting out diaper patterns as part of this service project. They will then be sewn by CoB churches and sent to orphanages in Haiti through Midwives for Haiti. Our goal is to make 1400 diapers.

School Kits

Support children in difficult settings by bringing along items for Church World Service school kits, sponsored by Brethren Disaster Ministries and the Brethren Disaster Relief Auction in Pennsylvania. We will assemble these items into school kits. Our goal is to make 2022 school kits! Please sign up to bring items using the link in the offerings section of this page.