NYC Coordinator and Director of Youth/Young Adult Ministries

NYC Coordinator
Erika Clary

Erika Clary is a Maryland native. She graduated from Bridgewater College in May 2021 with a Bachelor of Arts in mathematics. While at Bridgewater, Erika was heavily involved in spiritual life, including serving on the Interdistrict Youth Cabinet, singing in the chapel band, working as the chaplain’s assistant, and being a part of the Brethren Student Movement leadership team. When she isn’t doing something related to her spiritual life, she loves anything Disney, watching baseball, and spending quality time with friends and family. Erika attended NYC in 2014 as a youth and in 2018 as a member of the National Youth Cabinet and is grateful for having the opportunity to coordinate NYC 2022!

Director of Youth/Young Adult Ministries
Becky Ullom Naugle

Becky, a Colorado native, has now lived in Illinois for almost 20 years. When she is not spending time with the faithful and talented youth, young adults, and advisors of the Church of the Brethren, she happily answers to (incessant) calls for “Mom!” Becky and her spouse Patrick, parent two amazing kids: Jackson is 6 and Ethan is 3.