The Church of the Brethren Annual Conference office is co-sponsoring an online workshop with Womaen’s Caucus titled “From Nomination to Election,” on Tuesday, Oct. 5, at 8 p.m. (Eastern time).

The Church of the Brethren Annual Conference office is co-sponsoring an online workshop with Womaen’s Caucus titled “From Nomination to Election,” on Tuesday, Oct. 5, at 8 p.m. (Eastern time).
The Annual Conference office is co-sponsoring two online workshops offered by Womaen’s Caucus on the theme “Equipping for Leadership.” All are invited to join! The first webinar titled “Leadership in the Church of the Brethren” will be held on Tuesday, Aug. 24, at 8 p.m. (Eastern time) via Zoom. The Zoom link will be sent out in August.
Bethany Seminary president Ruthann Knechel Johansen called for a new sense of wonder in a time of “dis-ease,” as she gave the keynote address to the Progressive Brethren Gathering this past weekend in North Manchester, Ind. Bethany Theological Seminary president Ruthann Knechel Johansen was the keynote speaker at the 2010 Progressive Brethren Gathering held in
The Internal Revenue Service is warning that small nonprofit organizations may be at risk of losing tax-exempt status if they have not filed required returns for the last three years (2007 through 2009). Churches are not required to file, but some nonprofits connected to churches may fall under this requirement, put in place with the
Newsline is the Church of the Brethren e-mail news service. Go to to subscribe or unsubscribe. Nov. 4, 2009 “…The righteousness of God is revealed through faith for faith…” (Romans 1:17b). NEWS 1) Preachers are named for the 2010 Annual Conference. 2) Hispanic Ministries executives of several denominations gather in Chicago. 3) Brethren Volunteer
Newsline is the Church of the Brethren e-mail news service. Go to to subscribe or unsubscribe. Newsline Extra: Personnel Notices Sept. 25, 2009 “Deal bountifully with your servant, so that I may live and observe your word” (Psalm 119:17). PERSONNEL 1) Alan Bolds resigns from online gifts development position. 2) Shannon Kahler called as
223rd Annual Conference of the Church of the Brethren San Diego, California — June 28, 2009 Womaen’s Caucus Luncheon focuses on peace and justice concerns, honors Riemans Pamela Brubaker, professor of Religion and Ethics at California Lutheran University, was the featured speaker at the Womaen’s Caucus Luncheon today. She shared stories of her recent journeys
November 19, 2008 “Celebrating the Church of the Brethren’s 300th Anniversary in 2008” “Remember Jesus Christ…” (2 Timothy 2:8a). NEWS 1) Children’s Disaster Services responds to California wildfires. 2) Brethren funds disburse grants for disaster relief, food security. 3) Brethren support hunger report reviewing Millennium Development Goals. 4) Summit for progressive Brethren meets in Indianapolis.
“Celebrating the Church of the Brethren’s 300th Anniversary in 2008” “Do not neglect the gift that is in you…” (1 Timothy 4:14a). NEWS 1) Children come first for some volunteers. 2) Leadership Team reviews budget and planning for Annual Conference. 3) Brethren representatives attend conference on human trafficking. 4) Brethren bits: Remembrance, personnel, job openings,
“Celebrating the Church of the Brethren’s 300th Anniversary in 2008” “…Strive for his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well” (Luke 12:31). NEWS 1) Brethren Benefit Trust issues statement on financial crisis, investments. 2) National Older Adult Conference brings hundreds to Lake Junaluska. 3) Summer workcamp program involves nearly 700 participants.