Children’s Disaster Services (CDS) is preparing to hold three new volunteer training events in September and October 2024. Our upcoming CDS Volunteer Training events are:
Tag: volunteer
Brethren Disaster Ministries extends rebuilding project site in Kentucky
Brethren Disaster Ministries staff have announced that the rebuilding project currently serving Dawson Springs, Ky., has been extended until Aug. 17, 2024. This project is rebuilding homes as part of the 2021 tornado recovery in Hopkins County. Brethren Disaster Ministries opened the project site in January 2023.

Brethren Volunteer Service seeks testimonies
Are you a former Brethren Volunteer Service (BVS) volunteer? Do you have afond memory, a story to tell, or words of praise from your time in BVS? Do you love to talk about BVS, but have no one to talk to about it?

National Youth Conference 2022 youth worker applications are live
22? Do you love NYC? Applications to be a youth worker at NYC 2022 are now open! Youth workers are an integral part of NYC. They carry out programing, help facilitate the organization of NYC, and take care of the behind-the-scenes details.

Brethren Volunteer Service offers a virtual orientation this Winter
Brethren Volunteer Service (BVS) will be holding a virtual Winter Orientation for Unit 328. Due to the number of interested applicants and the continued health concerns over the pandemic, BVS has made the decision to offer a virtual orientation for new volunteers from Jan. 31-Feb. 12, 2021.