
Newsline for August 1, 2007

“I will give thanks to the Lord….” Psalm 9:1a NEWS 1) Butler Chapel celebrates tenth anniversary of rebuilding. 2) Foods Resource Bank holds annual meeting. 3) Grants support DR community development, Katrina relief. 4) ABC encourages support of SCHIP reauthorization. 5) Brethren bits: Personnel, job openings, Annual Conference, more. UPCOMING EVENTS 6) Course offerings are

Newsline Extra for June 7, 2007

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel; it is the power of God….” Romans 1:16a UPDATE: ANNUAL CONFERENCE 1) Global Mission and Congregational Life programs combine dinner events at 2007 Annual Conference. 2) Annual Conference bits and pieces. UPDATE: 300th ANNIVERSARY 3) 300th anniversary curriculum: ‘Piecing Together the Brethren Way.’ 4) 300th anniversary bits

Newsline for May 23, 2007

“…I will bless you, and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing.” — Genesis 12:2b NEWS 1) Bethany Seminary celebrates 102nd commencement. 2) Brethren focus work north of Greensburg, following tornado. 3) Forum discusses future of Annual Conference, other challenges for the denomination. 4) Westminster Church, Buckhalter will receive Ecumenical Citations.

Daily News: May 10, 2007

(May 10, 2007) — On May 5, Bethany Theological Seminary in Richmond, Ind., celebrated its 102nd commencement. Two observances marked the occasion. A ceremony for conferring degrees took place in Bethany’s Nicarry Chapel. A public worship celebration was held at Richmond Church of the Brethren. President Eugene F. Roop spoke at the conferring of degrees

Newsline for March 28, 2007

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.” — John 1:5 NEWS 1) Christian Peace Witness for Iraq is ‘a candle in the darkness.’ 2) Vital Pastor program continues to launch and conclude pastor groups. 3) Disaster Child Care provides training workshops. 4) Brethren Disaster Response appeals for more volunteers.

Daily News: March 23, 2007

(March 23, 2007) — In late 2006 and early 2007, six pastoral “cohort groups” were awarded Sustaining Pastoral Excellence (SPE) grants that launched a two-year, self-chosen study focus for each group. The program is administered by the Brethren Academy for Ministerial Leadership, a joint ministry of Bethany Theological Seminary and the Church of the Brethren

Newsline for January 3, 2007

“…And the flame shall not consume you.” — Isaiah 43:2b NEWS 1) Ohio church burns on Christmas Eve, district calls for prayer. 2) Anabaptist leaders visit New Orleans. 3) Association of Brethren Caregivers sets budget for next two years. 4) Advocate Bethany Hospital seeks donations of prayer shawls. 5) Outdoor Ministries Association hears from denominational

Newsline for July 19, 2006

“…Love one another….” — John 13:34b NEWS 1) Nigeria love offering yields $20,000 to rebuild and heal. 2) Emergency Disaster Fund issues more than $470,000 in grants. 3) Northern Plains holds first District Conference of the season. 4) Brethren bits: Job opening, honors, and much more. PERSONNEL 5) Leiter resigns as director of Information Services

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