
Progressive Brethren Gathering Hears from Seminary President

Bethany Seminary president Ruthann Knechel Johansen called for a new sense of wonder in a time of “dis-ease,” as she gave the keynote address to the Progressive Brethren Gathering this past weekend in North Manchester, Ind. Bethany Theological Seminary president Ruthann Knechel Johansen was the keynote speaker at the 2010 Progressive Brethren Gathering held in

Quilts Bring to Life Memories of Women’s Work in China

Church of the Brethren Newsline Dec. 18, 2009 “Archival research and collective memories from close at hand and afar are bringing an intriguing story to life–a kind of SERRV project a decade or two ahead of SERRV, a hunger action program 50 years ahead of the Global Food Crisis Fund,” reports Howard Royer. Earlier this

Brethren Revival Fellowship Announces Publication of Commentary on Genesis

Church of the Brethren Newsline Dec. 8, 2009 Brethren Revival Fellowship has announced the publication of a commentary on Genesis, written by Harold S. Martin. The book is part of the “Brethren Old Testament Commentary” series, which has the stated aim of giving a readable explanation of the Old Testament text, with loyalty to Anabaptist

Kulp Bible College in Nigeria Holds 46th Graduation Ceremony

Church of the Brethren Newsline Dec. 8, 2009 Kulp Bible College (KBC) held its 46th graduation ceremony on Dec. 4. KBC is a ministry of Ekklesiyar Yan’uwa a Nigeria (EYN–the Church of the Brethren in Nigeria). Fifty-five students graduated from several programs offered by KBC. Guests from the village of Kwarhi–where the campus is located–and

Newsline Extra for September 12, 2007

September 12, 2007 1) 300th Anniversary update: Annual Conference 2008 theme reflects anniversary theme. 2) 300th Anniversary bits and pieces. 3) Cross-Cultural Consultation furthers Revelation 7:9 vision. 3b) La Consulta y Celebración Multiétnica de 2008 profundizará más en la visión de Apocalipsis 7:9. 4) Mission offering invites Brethren to ‘widen the circle.’ 5) New resources

Newsline for August 29, 2007

“The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.” Psalm 23:1 NEWS 1) Brethren Benefit Trust offers resource to find health insurance. 2) Shepherd’s Spring will build and host a Heifer Global Village. 3) Brethren Volunteer Service introduces 275th orientation unit. 4) Northern Ohio District declares that ‘Faith Is in the Following.’ 5) Brethren bits:

Newsline for March 28, 2007

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.” — John 1:5 NEWS 1) Christian Peace Witness for Iraq is ‘a candle in the darkness.’ 2) Vital Pastor program continues to launch and conclude pastor groups. 3) Disaster Child Care provides training workshops. 4) Brethren Disaster Response appeals for more volunteers.

Daily News: March 23, 2007

(March 23, 2007) — In late 2006 and early 2007, six pastoral “cohort groups” were awarded Sustaining Pastoral Excellence (SPE) grants that launched a two-year, self-chosen study focus for each group. The program is administered by the Brethren Academy for Ministerial Leadership, a joint ministry of Bethany Theological Seminary and the Church of the Brethren

Newsline Extra for November 22, 2006

“But speaking the truth in love, we must grow up in every way into him….” — Ephesians 4:15a DISTRICTS DEAL WITH DIVISIONS OVER SEXUALITY, AUTHORITY OF SCRIPTURE Divisions over issues of sexuality, the authority of scripture, and other related issues have surfaced in recent months in at least three districts in the Church of the

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