
New Resources Include Calendar to Learn Philippians, Domestic Violence Awareness, Children’s Sabbaths, More

October offers congregations the opportunity to participate in two national observances promoting the welfare of families and children: Domestic Violence Awareness Month and Children’s Sabbaths Celebration. A calendar for learning the book of Philippians by heart also begins in October, offered by the Annual Conference moderator as a focus for Bible study in preparation for the 2014 annual meeting.

Curriculum Helps Youth Develop Beliefs on Peace, Conscientious Objection

Call of Conscience, a Church of the Brethren web-based curriculum, is available to download from www.brethren.org/CO . Written by Julie Garber, this resource is designed to help youth develop their beliefs about peace and conscientious objection to war. The curriculum focuses on developing a personal peace position based on biblical teaching and the traditions of the church.

‘Prodigal Christianity’ Author to Speak at General Offices, Bethany, N. Ohio District

The Church of the Brethren is hosting David Fitch on a speaking tour Oct. 21-23. Workshops and lectures take place at the Church of the Brethren General Offices in Elgin, Ill.; Bethany Theological Seminary in Richmond, Ind.; and the Northern Ohio District Office in Ashland, Ohio. An additional event takes place at Ashland Theological Seminary.

Theme for WCC Assembly Invites Churches to Study Justice and Peace

“God of Life, Lead Us to Justice and Peace” is the theme for the World Council of Churches 10th Assembly on Oct. 30-Nov. 8 in Busan, South Korea. Congregations may walk alongside the church delegates preparing to travel to South Korea this fall through use of special study and worship resources titled “Pilgrimage to Busan: An Ecumenical Journey into World Christianity.”

Miami Valley of Ohio Welcomes the 5th Brethren World Assembly

Extending greetings to all those present at the 5th Brethren World Assembly on July 11-14 in Brookville, Ohio, Brethren Heritage Center board secretary Larry E. Heisey noted the unique location of the meeting. All of the seven main Brethren groups in North America descended from the believers brought together by Alexander Mack Sr. in Schwarzenau, Germany, are represented in the Miami Valley area near Dayton, Ohio.

Spiritual Directors Gather for Annual Retreat

Twenty-two spiritual directors and leadership recently gathered at Shepherd’s Spring Outdoor Ministry Center in Sharpsburg, Md., for an annual retreat. From May 13-15 the spiritual directors spent time in keynote sessions with Roberta Bondi, professor emeritus for Church History at the Candler School of Theology.

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