The Part-time Pastor; Full-time Church program of the Church of the Brethren Office of Ministry is offering a book study on Flourishing in Ministry: How to Cultivate Clergy Wellbeing by Matt Bloom. The online event is planned once a week from Jan. 4 to March 3, 2022, on Tuesday evenings at 7 p.m. (Eastern time). Continuing education units are available.
Tag: pastors
‘Dearest Sisters and Brothers in Christ’: Letter supports Church of the Brethren ministers
A letter from the Pastoral Compensation and Benefits Advisory Committee has expressed the group’s support to the ministers in the Church of the Brethren. The letter acknowledged the particular challenges for ministers during the COVID-19 pandemic and shared information about a number of resources that are available for ministers and congregations experiencing financial hardship.
‘Sacred Connections: Advent Soul Tending for Spiritual Leaders’ to be offered to ministers
The Office of Ministry and Part-time Pastor; Full-time Church, a grant-funded program, are pleased to offer a special time for spiritual refreshment for all ministers during the Advent season.
Pastoral Compensation and Benefits Advisory Committee holds annual meeting
he Pastoral Compensation and Benefits Advisory Committee met virtually for their annual retreat on Oct. 18-20. New laity members Art Fourman (2020-2025) and Bob McMinn (2021-2026) had plenty of time to get to know returning members, secretary Dan Rudy (clergy, 2017-2022), chair Deb Oskin (secular compensation professional, 2018-2023), Gene Hagenberger (representative of the Council of District Executives, 2021-2024), and Nancy Sollenberger Heishman (ex officio, director of the Church of the Brethren Office of Ministry).
Church workers’ COVID emergency grants are extended again
threat in the US for 18 months now, is soon to be behind us, or taking a second run with vaccination challenges and variants that are harder for our systems to fight off. At Brethren Benefit Trust (BBT), when the pandemic began in March 2020, staff immediately kick started discussions on how to address the inevitable financial woes that would hit some of our members and clients hard–such as pastors and other employees of churches, districts, and camps.
Office of Ministry makes available documents for 2022 pastor salary and benefits
The Church of the Brethren Office of Ministry has sent out its annual e-packet of documents for the Cash Salary Guidelines and Table for pastors for the upcoming year, 2022. The packet has been provided to the 24 district offices across the denomination, and select documents also are available to download from the Office of Ministry webpage for forms at
Multivocational pastors are invited to summer book study
The Part-Time Pastor; Full-Time Church Program invites multivocational pastors of Church of the Brethren congregations to join a summer book study of Part-Time is Plenty: Thriving Without Full-Time Clergy by Jeffrey MacDonald.