
Brethren bits for May 16, 2020

New from Messenger magazine:     Dr. Kathryn Jacobsen, a member of Oakton Church of the Brethren in Vienna, Va., and a professor of epidemiology and global health at George Mason University, has given an interview to the Church of the Brethren “Messenger” magazine, answering questions about the COVID-19 pandemic with down-to-earth and sensible responses. The interview addresses

Brethren Faith in Action Fund allocates grants to eight churches

The Brethren Faith in Action Fund has given eight grants to outreach ministry projects of Church of the Brethren congregations since the first of the year. These grants are given to projects that serve the community, strengthen the congregation, and expand the reign of God. The fund was created with monies generated by the sale

Recent Personnel Appointments

Church of the Brethren Newsline June 21, 2010 Bachman starts as website producer for www.brethren.org Jan Fischer Bachman began June 7 as website producer for the Church of the Brethren, working on a contract basis from Chantilly, Va. A member of Oakton (Va.) Church of the Brethren, she is a writer for the Gather ’Round

Newsline for Sept. 24, 2009

Newsline is the Church of the Brethren e-mail news service. Go to www.brethren.org/newsline to subscribe or unsubscribe. Sept. 24, 2009 “But we speak God’s wisdom…” (1 Corinthians 2:7a). NEWS 1) NOAC makes connections between wisdom and legacy. 2) Leadership Team welcomes invitation from German church. 3) Brethren funds give grants for disaster and hunger relief.

Bowman Preaches a Legacy Joining Old and New Voices in Unity

NOAC 2009 National Older Adult Conference of the Church of the Brethren Lake Junaluska, N.C. — Sept. 7-11, 2009 Sept. 7, 2009 Preacher: Christopher Bowman, pastor of Oakton Church of the Brethren in Vienna, Va. It’s hard to imagine that the scripture text for Monday evening’s worship service was anyone’s favorite. NOAC 2009 officially opened with names

Disaster Relief Programs Provide Statistics for 2008

Church of the Brethren Newsline March 31, 2009 Church of the Brethren programs that respond to disaster have released statistics for 2008, in a recent issue of the Bridges newsletter. The programs are Brethren Disaster Ministries, Children’s Disaster Services, Material Resources, and the Emergency Disaster Fund. Brethren Disaster Ministries repairs and rebuilds homes following disasters,

Congregational Life Team Eliminated, Congregational Life Ministries to be Redesigned

Church of the Brethren Newsline March 24, 2009 The Church of the Brethren is redesigning its Congregational Life Ministries and eliminating the Congregational Life Team. The action is part of a plan created by executive staff to respond to financial challenges facing the denomination and the decision of the Mission and Ministry Board to reduce

Newsline Extra for March 25, 2009

Newsline Extra: Upcoming Events March 25, 2009 “…Sustain in me a willing spirit” (Psalm 51:12b). UPCOMING EVENTS 1) April is Child Abuse Awareness Month. 2) Bethany Seminary offers webcast, ‘A Jewish Tentmaker Preaches Peace.’ 3) Dedication of Christopher Saur I historical marker planned for April. 4) More events: Good Friday Witness, Kline Homestead benefit, more.

Newsline Extra for March 25, 2009

Newsline Extra: Upcoming Events March 25, 2009 “…Sustain in me a willing spirit” (Psalm 51:12b). UPCOMING EVENTS 1) April is Child Abuse Awareness Month. 2) Bethany Seminary offers webcast, ‘A Jewish Tentmaker Preaches Peace.’ 3) Dedication of Christopher Saur I historical marker planned for April. 4) More events: Good Friday Witness, Kline Homestead benefit, more.

Newsline for February 25, 2009

“Create in me a clean heart, O God” (Psalm 51:10). NEWS 1) Annual Conference ballot for 2009 is announced. 2) Matching grant program provides $206,000 to local food banks. 3) Brethren funds give grants for disaster, hunger response in US and Africa. 4) Church of the Brethren faith expedition visits Chiapas, Mexico. 5) BVS seeks

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