“The heavens are telling the glory of God….” — Psalm 19:1a NEWS 1) Council reviews 2006 Annual Conference, elects Beachley as chair. 2) Disaster staff reflect on Hurricane Katrina, one year later. 3) Brethren Volunteer Service unit begins service. 4) Michigan District Conference focuses on new mission opportunities. 5) Brethren bits: Personnel, jobs, Caring Ministries
Tag: Newsline
Newsline for August 30, 2006
“Ascribe power to God….” — Psalm 68:34a NEWS 1) ‘Proclaim the Power of God’ is theme for Annual Conference 2007. 2) El Tema de la Conferencia Anual de 2007 es ‘Proclamar el Poder de Dios.’ 3) Brethren Service Center committee holds first meeting. 4) Shipments of relief materials continue one year after Katrina. 5) ‘Being
Newsline for August 16, 2006
“For waters shall break forth in the wilderness, and streams in the desert.” — Isaiah 35:6b NEWS 1) Denominational membership declines by largest amount in five years. 2) Brethren cooperate in Peace Church Longterm Care Insurance. 3) Caregiving award winners honored by Association of Brethren Caregivers. 4) Grants go to Lebanon crisis, Katrina rebuilding, hunger
Newsline Special Report for August 4, 2006
“Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed….” — Romans 12:2a MIDDLE EAST VIOLENCE 1) Christian leaders call for cease-fire between Hezbollah and Israel. NATIONAL YOUTH CONFERENCE 2006 2) Youth bear witness to a faith in Christ that moves mountains. 3) Wow! Together we can end hunger. 4) Youth take up love offering
Newsline for August 2, 2006
“Pursue love….” — 1 Corinthians 14:1a NEWS 1) Disaster Child Care cares for children evacuated from Lebanon. 2) Brethren join religious coalition to reconstruct churches on Gulf coast. 3) ‘Disaster Wall’ graced with the names of hundreds of volunteers. 4) Southern Plains District meets about ‘Love and Little Things.’ 5) Historical marker to commemorate Brethren
Newsline for June 21, 2006
“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed…” — Romans 12:2 NEWS 1) PBS to feature Civilian Public Service on ‘History Detectives.’ 2) Young adults are called to experience transformation. 3) IMA supports Brethren response to Katrina and Rita disasters. 4) Mid-Atlantic Disaster Auction sets record. 5) Young Center announces Donald F. Durnbaugh
Newsline for June 7, 2006
“When you send forth your spirit….” — Psalm 104:30 NEWS 1) Brethren Benefit Trust explores ways to offset cost of medical insurance. 2) New guidelines issued for denominational memorial tribute. 3) On Earth Peace board begins strategic planning process. 4) Global Food Crisis Fund supports micro credit in Dominican Republic. 5) El Fondo para la
Newsline for May 24, 2006
“For just as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is also dead.” — James 2:26 NEWS 1) Brethren receive record-breaking dividend from Brotherhood Mutual. 2) Church planting is `doable,’ conference participants learn. 3) Ecumenical committee plans for Annual Conference. 4) Brethren Academy welcomes 14 new ministry students. 5) Nigerian Brethren
Newsline Special for May 22, 2006
“So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are citizens with the saints and also members of the household of God.” — Ephesians 2:19 NEWS 1) Cross Cultural Celebration reflects on the household of God. 2) Celebración Intercultural refleja la casa de Dios. 3) Brethren in Puerto Rico ask for prayer for
Newsline for May 10, 2006
“Now the Lord said to Abram, `Go from your country….’” — Genesis 12:1a NEWS 1) Bethany Seminary holds 101st commencement. 2) Puerto Rican theology students celebrate graduation. 3) Walk Across America is `heading for home’…for now. 4) Brethren bits: Correction, remembrance, job openings, and more. PERSONNEL 5) Jim Yaussy Albright resigns from Illinois and Wisconsin