
Brethren bits for Oct. 11, 2019

— Annual Conference seeks nominations for open positions on the ballot in 2020. “You can help shape the future of the church!” said an announcement. “Each member of the Church of the Brethren is invited to recommend possible nominees for the 2020 Annual Conference ballot. As you pray about this, who comes to mind? Whom will the

Brethren bits for March 22, 2019

In this issue: Remembering Charles Lunkley, personnel notes, job openings, Messenger Online offers “So many changes! How the new tax code affects you” by Deb Oskin, Office of Peacebuilding and Policy recommends “Faith Over Fear” training, “Look at Life” conference at Bethany Seminary, and more news by, for, and about Brethren.

Faith over fear flyer
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