
Walk with me and work with me! National Junior High Sunday 2024 resources are online

Are you ready to support the junior high youth in your congregation in planning and leading worship for National Junior High Sunday? Many congregations will observe National Junior High Sunday on Nov. 3, but encouraging junior high youth to step into worship leadership is more important than the particular Sunday. Work it into your congregation’s worship schedule sometime this fall.

Youth and young adult calendar lists upcoming events to be offered online

A calendar of online events for youth and young adults has been announced by the Church of the Brethren’s Youth and Young Adult ministry. The events were shared in a letter from director Becky Ullom Naugle to youth advisors and pastors (https://mailchi.mp/brethren.org/youth-young-adult-ministry-2021). Information also is being shared via Facebook at www.facebook.com/BrethrenYYA.

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