Church of the Brethren general secretary one of more than 20 Christian leaders urging ceasefire in Israel and Palestine

Church of the Brethren general secretary David Steele was one of more than 20 Christian leaders signing a letter to President Biden saying, in part: “The time for a comprehensive ceasefire is now. Every day of continued violence not only increases the death toll in Gaza and the cost to civilians but also fosters further hatred toward Israel and the United States and irreparably damages the moral standing of the United States in the broader Middle East. There is no military solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.”

A prayer for peace

A prayer for peace by John Paarlberg, from a release by Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP).

Churches in Nigeria fill with music, dancing, and prayer as WCC visits

Ekklesiyar Yan’uwa a Nigeria (EYN, the Church of the Brethren in Nigeria) was among the Nigerian denominations whose congregations received visits during a recent meeting of the World Council of Churches (WCC) executive committee in Abuja, Nigeria. Members of the WCC executive committee visited an array of congregations on Sunday, Nov. 12, “bringing a deep spiritual aspect to their gathering,” said a WCC release.

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