
Newsline for January 12, 2011

“Do not speak evil against one another, brothers and sisters” (James 4:11). “Brethren in the News” is a new page on the denominational website offering a listing of currently published news about Brethren congregations and individuals. Find the latest newspaper reports, television clips, and more by clicking on “Brethren in the News,” a link in the

Intercultural Consultation Celebrates Diversity in Harmony

  The church’s twelfth Intercultural Consultation and Celebration was held on April 22-25 at Camp Harmony in Pennsylvania. Approximately 100 Church of the Brethren members gathered around the theme, “Live in harmony with one another,” with Romans 12:15-17 providing the biblical context. Above, Ruben Deoleo, the denominational director of Intercultural Ministry, speaks at one of the

Newsline for May 5, 2010

May 5, 2010 “Live in harmony with one another” (Romans 12:16). NEWS 1) Seminary charts course for a new direction with strategic plan. 2) Intercultural consultation celebrates diversity in harmony. 3) BVS volunteer from Germany is detained for visa lapse. 4) Church representative attends ‘Beijing + 15′ on status of women. PERSONNEL 5) Shaffer retires

Newsline for April 22, 2010

  April 22, 2010 “The earth is the Lord’s and all that is in it…” (Psalm 24:1a). NEWS 1) Bethany Seminary board approves new strategic plan. 2) Fellowship of Brethren Homes holds annual forum. 3) Grants support hunger relief in Sudan and Honduras. 4) Brethren part of effort for flood-affected Cedar Rapids. 5) Brethren Disaster Ministries releases

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