
Church of the Brethren leaders attend Inhabit Conference 2022

On April 28-30, 22 members of the Church of the Brethren including church leaders and district and denominational staff attended Inhabit Conference 2022. The conference, an event of the Parish Collective, returned in-person to Seattle (Wash.) School of Theology and Psychology, the host site of this annual flagship summit. Church of the Brethren participants joined approximately 300 people representing various Christian communities of faith in the United States and Canada. The group gathered to worship, celebrate stories, and share ideas on being the church in neighborhoods everywhere.

Inhabit Conference is scheduled for end of April in Seattle

Attend Inhabit Conference 2022 on April 28-30 at Seattle Pacific University in beautiful Seattle, Wash! The event will highlight “celebrating stories and sharing ideas as we connect to be the church in neighborhoods everywhere.”

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