“We must work the works of him who sent me….” John 9:4a NEWS 1) Agency executive committees and members of Implementation Committee hold discussion. 2) Disaster project leadership trainees are ‘hooked.’ 3) Toothpaste is removed from hygiene kits at Brethren Service Center. 4) Travel seminar takes students to visit Brethren in Brazil. 5) Conference kicks
Tag: Igreja da Irmandade
Newsline Extra for March 14, 2007
“…Let your light shine before others….” — Matthew 5:16b NEWS 1) General Board considers mission, love, and unity. 1b) La Junta Nacional considera la misión, el amor, y la unidad. 2) Board sees first results from sociological study of Brethren. 3) Moderator returns from tour with praise for Nigerian church. FEATURE 4) ‘Unbinding the Gospel’
Newsline Extra for March 9, 2007
“…And your hope will not be cut off….” — Proverbs 24:14b NEWS 1) Voices from the Gulf Coast featured in General Board’s first webcast. 2) General Board to meet this weekend. FEATURE 3) Wrestling with Lent: A reflection on the Christian Peace Witness marking the 4th anniversary of the Iraq War. To receive Newsline by
International Brethren Leaders Respond to Iraq War Speech
(Feb. 1, 2007) — Leaders of international Brethren bodies were invited to consider giving their own responses to President Bush’s speech on the Iraq war, as Stan Noffsinger considered his response to the Jan. 10 speech. Noffsinger serves as general secretary to the Church of the Brethren General Board–his response appeared as a “Newsline Extra”
Newsline for December 20, 2006
“Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace…” — Luke 2:14 NEWS 1) Brethren Benefit Trust adopts investment guidelines related to pornography, gambling. 2) Brethren Pension Plan annuity rates are being assessed. 3) Annual Conference Council sets registration goal for 2007 conference. 4) Disaster Child Care to work in New Orleans throughout
Newsline Special for May 22, 2006
“So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are citizens with the saints and also members of the household of God.” — Ephesians 2:19 NEWS 1) Cross Cultural Celebration reflects on the household of God. 2) Celebración Intercultural refleja la casa de Dios. 3) Brethren in Puerto Rico ask for prayer for
Brethren in Puerto Rico, Brazil Ask for Prayer
Puerto Rican Brethren ask for prayer for island’s financial crisis Brethren from Puerto Rico who were at the Church of the Brethren’s Cross Cultural Consultation and Celebration in Pennsylvania May 4-7, asked fellow participants to pray for the island during its current financial crisis. As of May 1 nearly 100,000 government employees including teachers and