
Interim team will staff Global Mission office

Norman and Carol Spicher Waggy will begin March 2 as part-time interim directors of Global Mission for the Church of the Brethren. Also working in the Global Mission office on an interim basis is Roxane Hill, who was appointed interim office manager on Feb. 12. Hill is filling a part-time position working from the Church of the Brethren

Garkida attacked by Boko Haram

The town of Garkida in northeastern Nigeria was attacked by Boko Haram the night of Feb. 21-22. A number of buildings were burned, including the church building for Ekklesiyar Yan’uwa a Nigeria (EYN—the Church of the Brethren in Nigeria). The EYN women’s fellowship of Garkida district was having its annual conference at the church that

My brother’s keeper: Remembering the Haiti earthquake of January 12, 2010

By Ilexene Alphonse January 12 is a date forever engraved in my heart for two reasons: first, January 12, 2007, I married the love of my life, Michaela Alphonse; second, January 12, 2010, the worst natural disaster in my time, a massive earthquake, destroyed my native country of Haiti and my people. It was the

Disaster Recovery Support Initiative to be taken up by Church World Service

A pilot program to help communities launch long-term recovery following disasters is growing ecumenically. Over the past two years the disaster ministries of the Church of the Brethren, the United Church of Christ (UCC), and the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) have joined forces to pioneer the Disaster Recovery Support Initiative (DRSI) in nine states

Jay Wittmeyer resigns as executive director of Global Mission and Service

Jay Wittmeyer has resigned as executive director of Global Mission and Service, effective Jan. 13, 2020. He is taking a position as executive director of Lombard (Ill.) Mennonite Peace Center, where he was assistant director before working for the Church of the Brethren. As Global Mission and Service executive for 11 years, since Jan. 2009,

Brethren gather to discern a global Brethren alliance

By Jay Wittmeyer Meeting in Kwarhi, Nigeria, Brethren gathered from across the globe to discuss the vision of becoming a global church body. Hosted by the Nigerian Brethren, representatives came from Haiti, the Dominican Republic, the United States, Rwanda, Democratic Republic of Congo, Spain, and Nigeria for the meeting. The four-day conference on Dec. 2-5

Hearts for Nigeria: Roxane Hill concludes her position with Nigeria Crisis Response

Roxane Hill is concluding her position as coordinator of the Nigeria Crisis Response, as of the end of this year. Her husband, Carl Hill, pastor of Potsdam (Ohio) Church of the Brethren, also previously worked with her on the response. The Nigeria Crisis Response is not ending but programming is being reduced, although funding for

Christian Association of Nigeria commemorates date of displacement

By Zakariya Musa The Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) commemorated Oct. 29, the day Boko Haram overran Mubi and Hong communities of Adamawa State in 2014. The entire community had fled to different areas within and outside the country of Nigeria. All church denominations in the area that are under the CAN umbrella gathered at the

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