
Brethren Couple Go to Israel and Palestine as Accompaniers

Church of the Brethren members Joyce and John Cassel of Oak Park, Ill., have begun work in Palestine and Israel with the Ecumenical Accompaniment Program of the World Council of Churches (WCC). They departed Sept. 1 for a three month tour of duty, from September through November this year.

New Global Mission Advocate Network Is Begun

The Church of the Brethren’s Global Mission and Service program has begun a network of congregational- and district-based mission advocates. The purpose of the new Global Mission Advocate Network is to equip districts and congregations to promote and invigorate Brethren mission efforts at the individual, congregational, and district levels. Each district and congregation is being encouraged to name a mission advocate.

Mission Alive 2012 Is Held to Invigorate Interest in Mission

Mission Alive 2012, a conference sponsored by the Global Mission and Service program of the Church of Brethren, will take place Nov. 16-18 at Lititz (Pa.) Church of the Brethren. The theme is “Entrusted with the Message” (2 Corinthians 5:19-20).

Brethren Volunteer Service Holds Summer Orientation Unit

Brethren Volunteer Service (BVS) announces the start of the 2012 Summer Orientation. To be held June 10-29 at the Brother David Darst Center in Chicago, Ill., this orientation will be the 297th unit for BVS and will consist of eight volunteers from across the US and Germany.

Moderator Makes Trip to Spain, Visits New Brethren Group

Annual Conference moderator Tim Harvey has provided the following report on the annual moderator’s international trip to visit mission points or to meet with international Brethren or ecumenical partners. This year the moderator’s international trip was to visit with an emerging Brethren group in Spain.

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